en English

Interreg V-A - Hungary-Croatia

Programme description

The Cooperation programme 'Interreg V-A Hungary-Croatia’ focusses on smart and sustainable growth in the Hungarian-Croatian border region, by reinforcing and expanding existing cooperation networks and contributing to the establishment of a sound basis for a dynamic and lasting cooperation across the border.

The programme fosters the economic development of the border area by supporting the creation and the extension of advanced capacities of SMEs for product and service development. The programme also helps to develop sustainable tourism through establishing the basic infrastructure for an increased exploitation of cultural and natural resources. In order to restore and maintain ecological diversity, actions are foreseen to promote more coordinated and sounder management of protected areas.

Large areas of land on both the Croatian and Hungarian side of the border will be cleaned up thanks to the eradication of minefields in Croatia and the clearing up Hungarian territories contaminated with other types of unexploited ordinance.

In order to develop a specific local knowledge base and better understanding, the programme will support jointly developed and jointly delivered educational and training services. Finally, the programme aims to create new or strengthen existing joint structures and shared processes to ensure the continuous development of effective cooperation in the border area.

Funding priorities

The Programme will focus on four main priorities:

  • Enhancing the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises
  • Sustainable use of natural and cultural assets
  • Cooperation
  • Education

Expected impacts

  • Increase in average gross value added per capita of industry and services sectors of the programme area
  • Increase in annual tourist overnight stays by 88.000
  • The number of habitats with „ A: excellent conservation” status of selected Special Bird Protection Areas will be increased from 179 to 192
  • The number of educational institutions in the border region that offer courses jointly or with region- or neighbouring country-specific content will be tripled from 29 to 90.


Regional Development Fund (ERDF): 60.824.406,00 €

Thematic priorities

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Financial information

Total OP budget: 73.900.028,00 €

Total EU contribution: 60.824.406,00 €

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