en English

Technical Assistance Programme

Programme description

Main objectives

The programme aims to enhance the implementation of structural interventions undertaken by the other national sector- specific and regional programmes. Its objective is to set up and ensure the organisational conditions which would allow the smooth implementation of the ESIF interventions.

Funding priorities

The Programme will focus on three main priorities:

  • the reinforcement of systems and processes of management and coordination including anti-fraud actions;
  • the enhancement of human resources, administrative organisation and operation of entities involved in the implementation of ESIF interventions;
  • the upgrading of the managerial and delivery capacity of beneficiaries.

Expected impacts

  • As the OP “Technical Assistance” is a programme that supports the other national and regional OPs in terms of tools, procedures, human resources and capacity building of beneficiaries its impact can be reflected in the successful implementation of the other programmes.
  • 933 staff will be supported to ensure the implementation of all OPs, on the basis of a sustainable Human Resources action plan;
  • Publicity and information should be supported by approx. EUR 7,9 M;
  • About 1,000 management checks and control system and payment checks as well as 2,300 quality controls should take place.

Programme text

ΕΠ Τεχνική Βοήθεια


Cohesion Fund (CF): 60.836.342,00 €

Regional Development Fund (ERDF): 154.045.398,00 €

European Social Fund (ESF): 68.868.901,00 €

Thematic priorities

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Financial information

Total OP budget: 359.158.577,00 €

Total EU contribution: 283.750.641,00 €

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