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Interreg V-A - France-Belgium-Germany-Luxembourg (Grande Région/Großregion)

Programme description

Main objectives

The cooperation programme "Interreg V-A Belgium-France-Germany-Luxembourg (Grande Région/Groβregion)" addresses the most important cross-border challenges linked to the implementation of the Europe 2020 strategy in the Greater region. The programme comprises the border area of four Member States with 11,4 million inhabitants and three spoken languages.

The programme will focus on four priorities. At the heart of the programme is the objective of a facilitated access to the cross-border labour market through different labour mobility initiatives, including those linked to transport, education and training.

Moreover, the programme centres on promoting eco-friendly lifestyle in the region by supporting, for example, eco-technologies and new methods of waste treatment, whilst preserving and protecting the natural and cultural heritage.

The third priority aims at developing cross-border networks in the health and social care sector, thus contributing to a reinforced access to health and social services(including culture and sport) in the border region as well as strengtheninging the social innovation.

Finally, the programme is expected tostrengthen research, technological development and innovation in the border region, as well as increase the share of R&D-spending in the region. The programme will also improve the competitiveness of local SMEs and the technological developmentin the border region by boosting research and innovation through cross-border support systems and networks.

Funding priorities

The programme will focus on the following four priorities:

  • Furthering the development of an integrated labour market by facilitating the physical mobility and supporting education and training in the region;
  • Promoting development that respects the environment of the Greater Region border area;
  • Improving living conditions in the border area;
  • Enhancing competitiveness and attractiveness of the Greater Region through research, innovation and support to businesses.
  • Some of the expected results

    • Increased number of cross-border workers and improved offer of transport systems with a minimum impact on the environment;
    • Better coordination of regional environmental management and planning;
    • Improved preservation of the natural and cultural heritage of the Greater Region and an increase in the number of tourists;
    • Increased share of renewable energy consumption in the Greater Region;
    • Enhanced access to cross-border health services alongside an increase in the number of persons benefitting from these services;
    • Reinforced cross-border cooperation in the field of research and development and increased share of R&D spending in relation to GDP;
    • Stronger support for SMEs interested to access the cross-border market.



    Regional Development Fund (ERDF): 139.802.646,00 €

    Thematic priorities

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    Financial information

    Total OP budget: 234.606.265,00 €

    Total EU contribution: 139.802.646,00 €

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