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OP Schleswig-Holstein ERDF 2014-2020

Programme description

Main objectives

The strategy and the priorities of the ERDF OP 2014-2020 of the Land Schleswig-Holstein aim at the creation of a business environment that promotes innovation and sustainable economic growth while ensuring attractive jobs and contributing to an evironmentally friendly development of the region. These priority settings will deliver a significant contribution to the implementation of the Europe 2020-Strategy for an intelligent, sustainable and inclusive growth.

Schleswig-Holstein sets major accents for a development based on economic growth and employment considering the needs identified in the socio-economic and subsequent SWOT-analysis, as well as the country specific rec-ommendations and overarching strategies, in particular the Regional Innovation Strategy (RIS3). The following priority fields will be supported through the operational programme:

  • Targeted investments into growth-oriented and sustainable economic structures, as well as measures to achieve sustainable value creation,
  • Promotion of innovation, knowledge society, knowledge and tech-nology transfer, as well as cultural potentials,
  • Promotion of measures to reduce CO2-emissions, including measures to increase energy efficiency and the use of renewable energies in small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs),
  • Protection of the environment and promotion of resource efficiency.

Beyond this, the specific support to the Western Coast of the Land through an integrated territorial investment (ITI) - as an innovative implementation tool for selected parts of the operational programme - forms also an integral part of the strategy of Schleswig-Holstein. The ITI "Western Coast: competence region for tourism and energy" shall be implemented within the framework of competitive calls while addressing the specific regional perspectives. The fore-seen volume of the support for the ITI is set at EUR 30 Mio. (the whole pro-gramme has an envelope of EUR 271 Mio.)

Funding priorities

The funding priorities are reflected in the following priority axes:

  • Strengthening of the regional innovation potentials
  • Development of a competitive and sustainable economic structure
  • "Energy turn-around" - creation of environmentally friendly economic (infra)-structures
  • Sustainable use of existing resources

Expected impacts

  • Creation of 500 new jobs in research and science in supported  organisations
  • Support to 240 SMEs for the development of new products and services
  • Support to 1.000 SMEs to carry out investments and facilitate the implementation of growth strategies
  • Reduction of the green-house gas emissions by over 5.000 t CO2-equivalent per year
  • Promoting and developing of 14 natural parks, sites of natural and cultural heritage with touristic potential  
  • 35 ha surface undergoing environmental remediation including brownfield site regeneration and decontamination


Regional Development Fund (ERDF): 317.066.623,00 €

Thematic priorities

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Financial information

Total OP budget: 708.728.234,00 €

Total EU contribution: 317.066.623,00 €

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