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Sustainable growth and jobs 2014-2020 - Structural Funds Programme of Finland

Programme description

Main objectives

The Finnish Operational Programme “Sustainable growth and jobs 2014-2020 – Finland's structural funds programme” (OP) receives a combined amount of EUR 1,299,461,095 from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the European Social Fund (ESF) under the Investment Package for growth and jobs in Finland. The OP will contribute to Finland reaching the key EU and national development priorities along with the "Europe2020" objectives.

Funding priorities

  • Improving the competitiveness of SMEs will receive about 20% of the total OP allocations. The investments aim to diversify business structures and increase the number of growing, innovative and internationally expanding companies. In order to reach these objectives, measures will target the start-up of new companies and the development of new business operations.
  • Around 24% of programme investments will promote research and innovation activities. The main aim is to boost investments that will strengthen the innovation activity, especially in growth companies and start-ups in chosen smart specialisation fields. Finland aims to improve the application of Research & Innovation results into commercial products.
  • The shift to a low-carbon economy is a high priority in Finland. 15% of programme funding is allocated to this thematic objective. In relation to energy objectives, these investments will provide a significant contribution to increase the share of use of renewable energy from 33% (2011) to 38% (2020). Finland will mainly invest in research and innovation activities in the low carbon sector, in the development and commercialisation of low-carbon products, services and production methods. Furthermore, production of prototypes, piloting and demonstrations in enterprises will also be supported.
  •  18% of OP allocation will focus on reducing unemployment with a focus on young people and those with a less favourable labour market position; on lengthening working careers and balancing labour demand and supply, increasing mobility, improving the management of structural changes, improving productivity and quality of working life.
  • About 12% of the OP resources are dedicated to investment in education to ensure the availability of a skilled workforce, reinforcing the professional knowledge, innovative abilities and creative skills of the workforce, improving services during transitional periods, promoting educational equality, using the needs of employers as the basis for training and education, developing the availability and quality of supplementary training and advisory services and ensuring the provision of entrepreneurial skills.
  • Almost 8% of funding is aimed at investments to fight social exclusion. The Priority axis 5 will focus on mobilising the full employment potential and promoting the well-being, health, the working capacity and functional ability of working-age people who are out of work, reducing poverty and marginalisation and preventing social exclusion, and increasing local, community-based activity and participation.

Expected impacts

Increase in R&I investments from 3.73% of GDP (2011) to 4.0% of GDP (2020).

  • 5 660 SMEs will be supported in developing new business opportunities based on regional strengths
  • 12 700 new jobs will be created
  • Increase the share of use of renewable energy from 33% (2011) to 38% (2020)
  • Youth unemployment is tackled and National Youth Guarantee is supported
  • Skills and competences of the workforce are upgraded
  • Fight against social exclusion is supported


Regional Development Fund (ERDF): 888.814.467,00 €

European Social Fund (ESF): 566.629.842,00 €

Thematic priorities

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Financial information

Total OP budget: 2.868.331.191,00 €

Total EU contribution: 1.455.444.309,00 €

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