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Operational Programme ESF Flanders 2014-2020

Programme description

The Flemish ESF operational programme (OP) will complement national and regional measures aimed at boosting employment and social inclusion.

The (OP) aims to complement the existing Flemish employment and social inclusion initiatives and encourage innovative social measures and transnational cooperation. The programme – which is worth over EUR 1 billion in total – will also support a number of focused actions that target entrepreneurship, the social economy, poorly-skilled young people and Roma.

There are several priorities in the OP for Flanders:

  • Promoting projects for sustainable, high-quality jobs and worker mobility; and investing in education, training and lifelong learning. These areas will attract some 60% of total funding and complement the Flemish career management policy which seeks a more effective labour market. In particular, ESF projects will focus on the important transition points in individual career paths.
  • Some 20% of funding will support social inclusion, equality and anti-poverty projects. Projects will target the pathways into work and society for the most at-risk groups, such as Roma.
  • Structural measures to encourage older people to continue working, or take up a new job, will be promoted at Federal and Flemish levels. ESF projects for ‘active ageing’ will complement these, helping companies create attractive environments for older workers.

In addition, the ESF will drive existing efforts for transnational cooperation and innovation – further developing and professionalising these priority activities. Overall, the Flanders OP is expected to help some 250 000 people to find a job, start a company or take up education and training opportunities.

Programme text

Operationeel Programma ESF Vlaanderen 2014-2020


European Social Fund (ESF): 521.011.794,00 €

Thematic priorities

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Financial information

Total OP budget:,00 €

Total EU contribution: 521.011.794,00 €

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