en English

Operational Programme 'Skåne-Blekinge'

Programme under the Regional Competitiveness Objective, co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)

Programme description

On 16 August 2007, the European Commission approved a Regional Operational Programme for the region of Skåne-Blekinge in Sweden for the 2007-13 period. The Operational Programme falls within the Regional Competitiveness and Employment Objective framework and has a total budget of around €141 million. Community investment through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) amounts to some €70 million, which represents approximately 3.7% of the total EU investment earmarked for Sweden under the Cohesion Policy for 2007-13.

1. Aim and purpose of the programme

The main goal of the Regional Operational Programme for Skåne-Blekinge 2007-13 is to create more business operations, increase business expertise and knowledge-based innovations. The programme aims to increase accessibility, to enhance the use of information and communication technology (ICT), and to utilize the urban areas for potential economic growth.

2. Expected impact of investments

The programme expects to deliver 1900 new jobs and 500 new business operations. Moreover, the Programme will organize 65 systems to facilitate business innovation. The Programme will focus on ICT solutions to create 55 new ICT-related services.

3. Priorities

Specific objectives of the Regional Structural Funds Programme for Skåne-Blekinge include

  • innovation and renewal
  • accessibility
  • special urban measures.

Priority 1: Innovation and renewal [approximately 46.0% of total funding]

The objective of this priority is to boost innovation by creating more business operations, by increasing employment, and by strengthening innovative structures. These objectives will include clusters to improve the region’s international competitiveness.

Priority 2: Accessibility [approximately 25.0% of total funding]

This priority aims to improve the region’s intra-regional, national and international accessibility. Enhanced accessibility will strengthen competitiveness and contribute to sustainable regional development.

Priority 3: Special urban measures [approximately 25% of total funding]

This priority will take special urban measures to reinforce sustainable development that enhance economic growth in the whole region.

Priority 4: Technical assistance [approximately 4% of total funding]

The priority will use technical assistance to implement the Programme. Technical assistance will include administration, monitoring, evaluation and control.

4. Managing authority

Financial information

Breakdown of finances by priority axis

Priority Axis EU Investment National Public Contribution Total Public Contribution
Innovation and renewal 40.284.682,00 40.284.682,00 80.569.364,00
Accessibility 11.672.517,00 11.672.517,00 23.345.034,00
Special urban measures 15.905.264,00 15.905.264,00 31.810.528,00
Technical assistance 2.827.602,00 2.827.602,00 5.665.204,00
Total 70.690.065,00 70.690.065,00 141.390.130,00