en English

Operational Programme 'Technical Assistance'

Programme under the Convergence Objective, co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)

Programme description

On 7 November 2007, the European Commission approved an Operational Programme for Bulgaria for the period 2007-13, entitled "Technical Assistance”. The Programme involves Community support for the whole national territory within the framework laid out for the Convergence Objective and has a total budget of around €57 million. Community investment through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) amounts to some €48 million, which represents approximately 0.7% of the total EU money to be invested in Bulgaria under the Cohesion Policy for 2007-13.

1. Aim and purpose of the programme

With respect to the principles of transparency and sound financial management, the "Technical Assistance” Operational Programme aims to provide support for the efficient and effective implementation of the Structural and Cohesion Funds in Bulgaria.

The specific objectives of the Technical Assistance Operational Programme are to:

  • support the activities performed by the central implementation structures within the Ministry of Finance, notably the Central Coordination Unit, the Certifying Authority, the Audit Authority and the National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF) Monitoring Committee;
  • increase the administrative capacity of other actors involved in the implementation of the Structural and Cohesion Funds, in particular the Managing Authorities and Intermediate Bodies in the relevant ministries, as well as regional and local authorities;
  • ensure the development of a reliable and well functioning Unified Management Information System; and
  • provide reliable and transparent information on the opportunities and results of the Cohesion policy in Bulgaria.

2. The expected impact of the investment

The Operational Programme “Technical Assistance” will improve the coordination, control implementation and evaluation of the Structural and Cohesion Funds in Bulgaria for the period 2007-13.

Specifically, the Programme will strengthen the necessary capacity and functioning of the central and local administrative structures involved in absorption of European funding, while increasing information and public awareness of the effective and efficient use of the funds in Bulgaria.

Likewise, the Programme will give straight support to the coordination process and the financial control and audit system. Moreover, it will support the local authorities and other SF implementing structures through systematic provision of training and other relevant capacity building measures.

Along with the strengthening of the responsible structures the Operational Programme will ensure:

  • a reliable Unified Management Information System (UMIS) for Structural and Cohesion funding instruments; and
  • appropriate communication and publicity to the general public about the Bulgarian National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF) and the European Cohesion Policy.

3. Priorities

The programme is structured around the following priorities:

Priority 1: Support to the central services [approximately 51.8% of total funding]


This priority will be performed by administrative structures at a central level, to include:

  • the Central Coordination Unit;
  • the Certifying Authority;
  • the Audit Authority;
  • the Managing Authority of the Operational Programme;
  • the NSRF Monitoring Committee; and
  • the Monitoring Committee of the Operational Programme.

Support to the local structures will be provided by particular trainings;


Priority 2: Development and support to the Unified Monitoring and Information [approximately 20.0% of total funding

This priority will be addressed by providing further development and support to the functioning of the UMIS.

Priority 3: Promotion of the Cohesion Policy in Bulgaria [approximately 28.2% of total funding]

This priority will be addressed by ensuring the provision of general and statistical information to all relevant stakeholders and the wide public.

4. Managing Authority

Financial information

Breakdown of finances by priority axis

Priority Axis EU Investment National Public Contribution Total Public Contribution
Support to the central services 25.000.000,00 4.411.765,00 29.411.765,00
Development and support to the Unified Monitoring and Information 9.659.303,00 1.704.583,00 11.363.886,00
Promotion of the Cohesion Policy in Bulgaria 13.637.210,00 2.406.566,00 16.043.776,00
Total 48.296.513,00 8.522.914,00 56.819.427,00