en English

Operational Programme 'Tyrol'

Programme under Regional competitiveness and employment objective, co-funded by European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)

Programme description

The European Commission approved on May 4 2007 a regional development programme for the Austrian Bundesland of Tyrol for the period 2007-2013, the Operational Programme "Strengthening of the regional Competitiveness Tyrol 2007-2013". This programme involves Community support for Tyrol within the framework of "Regional competitiveness and employment" objective ("phasing out" regions not included). The total public budget of the programme is around EUR 69.5 million and the Community assistance through the ERDF amounts to EUR 34.8 million (approximately 2.38% of the total EU money invested in Austria under Cohesion policy 2007-2013).

1. The purpose and aim of the EU investment

The overall objective of the programme is to strengthen competitiveness and innovation potential of the regional economy and to keep Tyrol as an attractive region, while observing the principles of sustainable development and gender equality. This approach shall guarantee the quality of life, income and employment of all inhabitants of the Bundesland.

With GDP per capita of 131.4% of EU average Tyrol belongs to the richer regions of the European Union with a high standard of living and quality of the environment. However, to meet the challenges of the globalising world and significant changes at the EU internal market after the 2004 eastern enlargement of the Union, well-targeted support to specific sectors is essential to further strengthen the stable broad economic base. The special geographical location between South-Germany and North-Italy should be taken as an advantage to strengthen the economic power. The creation of networks and the increase of co-operations should also significantly contribute to a further improvement of the economy. Due to the mountainous landscape, high quality and innovative tourism is essential for the Tyrolean economy. The programme shall promote innovation and knowledge-based economy and creation of permanent jobs, with the aim of increasing research & development, thus substantially contributing to achievement of the Lisbon strategy objectives. Gothenburg's objective of sustainability, as well as the principle of gender mainstreaming has received a special status of horizontal objectives in the programme.

2. The expected impact of the investment

The programme will ensure creation of 383 new jobs, out of which 34 in the research & development sector, trigger a total investment of EUR 253 million (seven times the Community assistance), install additional renewable energy capacity of 8 MW and decrease the greenhouse gases emissions by 80,000 tonnes/year.

3. Priority axes

The principal objectives of the Regional Competitiveness Tyrol 2007-2013 programme are: establishment of innovative and knowledge-base oriented economy and increasing attractiveness of all regions of the Bundesland. The Regional Competitiveness Tyrol 2007-2013 programme is structured into the following priority axes:

Priority axis 1: Innovation, co-operation and knowledge-based economy

In the current period of globalisation, Tyrolean's enterprises face a strong competition on the EU and world markets. In this context, improving innovation and promoting knowledge-based economy is of a crucial importance, as well as increasing quality and technological standards in sectors with comparative advantages. One of the key issues is a successful application of the research & development outputs in practice. Small and medium enterprises are the key success factor and stand in the focus of the programme, with wide range of support activities from establishing the company up to networking and clustering with others as well as innovation-orientated key investments.

Priority axis 2: Attractiveness of the regions as a location factor

To strengthen the long-term competitiveness, it is also necessary to take care of the environment. A clear focus on sustainable development offers economical opportunities. Maintaining high living standard of the inhabitants, quality of the environment and regional accessibility of Tyrol is in the spotlight of the second programme priority axis. An important segment of the Tyrolean's economy is the tourism. Innovative key-projects will contribute to optimise and improve the quality standards. This priority axis comprises as well pilot projects to make use of endogenous regional potentials. Due to the high probability of natural risks, the development of plans and measures will certainly help to prevent such risks. Fully in line with EU and Austrian policies in the environmental sector, the programme will provide increased support for renewable energy and increasing the energy efficiency. This programme takes especially areas with geographical and natural handicaps (e.g. Osttirol) into account.

Priority axis 3: Technical assistance

There is also provision for technical assistance in order to implement the programme. Financial support is available covering administration, monitoring, evaluation and control.

4. Managing Authority

Financial information

Breakdown of finances by priority axis

Priority Axis EU Investment National Public Contribution Total Public Contribution
Innovation, co-operation and knowledge-based economy 19.163.653,00 19.163.653,00 38.327.306,00
Attractiveness of the regions as a location factor 15.109.335,00 15.109.335,00 30.218.670,00
Technical assistance 500.000,00 500.000,00 1.000.000,00
Total 34.772.988,00 34.772.988,00 69.545.976,00