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Interreg V-A - Belgium-The Netherlands (Vlaanderen-Nederland)

Programme description

Main objectives

The Vlaanderen-Nederland cross-border cooperation programme is a concrete translation of the Europe 2020 Strategy in relation to the specific challenges for the Belgian-Dutch border region. Much has been achieved over the past decades, but the border still constitutes a real border – even after 20 years of free movement of people and goods, and in spite of the common language; the cross-border infrastructure still needs substantial improvement, and the labour market is still fragmented in national segments, with only few coordination instruments or mechanisms. With this programme, the border region will tackle joint challenges and exploit joint opportunities without losing sight of specific sub-regional needs. The main challenges for the border region are the further strengthening of competitiveness, enhancing sustainability and a better functioning of the labour market.

Funding priorities

The Programme will focus on four main priorities:

  • smart growth to strengthen the region's competitiveness Improve SMEs' competitiveness
  • sustainable growth focusing on energy
  • sustainable growth focusing on the environment and resources
  • inclusive growth to enhance labour mobility and training.

Expected impacts

  • Increase in the share of SMEs that introduce product or process innovations by 3% (from 68 to 71% - Regional Innovation Scoreboard)
  • Increase in cross-border workers by 25% (from 42.500 to 53.125)


Regional Development Fund (ERDF): 152.575.585,00 €

Thematic priorities

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Financial information

Total OP budget: 305.151.170,00 €

Total EU contribution: 152.575.585,00 €

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