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Growth and Employment

Programme description

Main objectives

The Latvian single multi-fund Operational Programme ''Growth and Employment'' (OP) aims at achieving key national development priorities along with the "Europe 2020" objectives. By combining support from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), the Cohesion Fund (CF), the European Social Fund (ESF) and the specific allocation for the Youth Employment Initiative (YEI), the OP will provide a significant support to the economic growth and employment, with a particular focus on the competitiveness of Latvia's economy.

Funding priorities

The OP will focus on the following priorities:

  • 10.58% of the total OP allocations are envisaged to support RTD and innovation in Latvia, helping the country reach its national Europe 2020 target of 1.5 % of the GDP invested in RTD (0.66% in 2012). In particular, the OP contribution is expected to increase Latvia's innovation potential by having the share of innovative SMEs increased to 40% (from 29.9% in 2010) (priority axis 1).
  • 3.91% of the total OP allocation is aimed at promoting information society by ensuring the accessibility of high-speed broadband connection to at least 80% of Latvian households, developing e-services, e-solutions, e-commerce (priority axis 2). In particular it will support the broadband network development in rural areas with at least 30 Mbps to address the existing digital divide.
  • 7.11% of the OP resources are allocated to supporting the competitiveness and innovation of SMEs (priority axis 3) by creating the necessary preconditions for private investments, and by creating new enterprises and jobs in the national and regional development centres. Under this priority axis, the ESF will support strengthening the institutional capacity of public administration and judiciary to create a better environment for business and less corruption.
  • 10.88% of the OP funding is aimed at supporting the shift towards a low-carbon economy in all sectors (priority axis 4). Together with investments in energy efficient economy, these funds will contribute to reaching Latvia's national Europe 2020 target of renewable energy share of 40% (35.8% in 2012) by focusing on energy efficiency measures in housing and enterprises and supporting the use of RES in district heating, as well as contributing to the development of low-carbon transport.
  • 14.1% of the OP allocation will be spent on the measures dedicated to environment, sustainable use of natural resources and adaptation to climate change (priority axis 5), including investments to ensure the fulfilment of the EU environmental acquis requirements.
  • 26.25% of the OP funding is aimed at development of sustainable and efficient transport infrastructure (priority axis 6). Priority will be given to investments in the TEN-T rail and road infrastructure. It is planned also to direct financing for connecting urban areas with the TEN-T networks, for reconstruction of regional roads, for environmental protection measures in the Riga airport, for development of multi-modal transport linking the transport network with port areas. Thus, the general objective is to improve mobility in the region and facilitate its economic growth.
  • 3.72 % of the OP resources are dedicated to promoting employment and work force mobility (priority axis 7) with focus on the unemployed with low level of skills and skills that are not relevant for the labour market needs. The OP will provide targeted support for those young people who are not in education, training and employment (NEET), including outreach measures for the non-registered NEET.
  • 11.68 % of the OP resources will be allocated to investments in education, skills and lifelong learning (priority axis 8). ESIF investment will be instrumental for reforms in the higher education through supporting establishment of an internationally recognised accreditation agency, elaborating new joint doctoral study programmes and programmes in EU languages and implementation of result-based governance. ESIF will promote vocational education and training, with focus on work-based learning, support comprehensive career guidance system and a new lifelong learning implementation model (through regions).
  • 9.48% of funds will contribute to social inclusion and fight against poverty (priority axis 9) through targeted measures for integration of the disadvantaged in the labour market and society. The OP includes a strong deinstitutionalisation component (supported by both ESF and ERDF) which targets transfer to community-based care of children and adults with psycho-intellectual disabilities. ESIF will also promote a better access to health care for the socially and territorially excluded.
  • 2.29% of resources of the OP are allocated to technical assistance in order to ensure efficient administration of the EU funding, including support to publicity and information measures as well as evaluations (priority axes 10, 11 and 12).


Cohesion Fund (CF): 1.246.634.592,00 €

Regional Development Fund (ERDF): 2.665.837.658,00 €

European Social Fund (ESF): 670.183.273,00 €

Thematic priorities

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Financial information

Total OP budget: 5.341.537.710,00 €

Total EU contribution: 4.582.655.523,00 €

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