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Programme: Europe for Citizens
Identifier: 587981-CITIZ-1-2017-1-HR-CITIZ-TT
Title: Causes, effects and consequences of the refugees wave on EU and the role of the citizens
Across the EU nations, the refugee crisis has brought ideological divides over views of minorities and it questions the value of cultural diversity. Europeans greatest concern seems to be the refugees will increase the likelihood of terrorism and they will be an economic and social burden. This general opinion prevails but it does not mean we have to accept it without judgment. There is a lack of understanding of the situation and questions like: why is this happening, who are they, who should do what, what does this mean for me… should be posed in order to encourage reflection on fundamental human rights, solidarity, stigmatization of “immigrants” and the role of the “ordinary” citizen. Project developed citizens understanding of ongoing political and ideological situation in EU countries related to refugee crisis and identification/promotion of opportunities for social/intercultural engagement of every individual. Project gathered different organizations (local authorities, NGOs, citizens - different target groups, media, experts in the field concerned…) Participants expressed their opinion/ presented their national, local and personal experience related to refugee crisis, identified solidarity mechanisms with emphasis on volunteering and discussed the role of diplomats/media/citizens in shaping EU policies and procedures applicable in times of crisis. Project took place in Maruševec (Croatia) for the citizens of Municipality of Maruševec and Municipality of Rogatec (Slovenia). Project included 143 citizens directly, and the same number indirectly, 143 to be exact. Project was implemented in the form of:1) Seminar (Causes, effects and consequences of the refugees wave and the role of the citizens),2) Round table (How to define common procedures regarding refugees crisis and who should be in charge of what?3) Intercultural event (Intercultural examples of social engagement in local communities),4) Exhibition of children’s art/literary works from partner countries (Who are refugees?),5) Twinning agreement, 6) Document Recommendations on what the common EU policies and procedures should consider regarding the refugees crisis from Africa and Middle East
Start Date: 01-08-2017
End Date: 20-04-2018
Duration in months: 9
Total Budget: 10000
Year (Call): 2017
Activity: Strand2: Democratic engagement and civic participation
Sub-Activity: Town twinning
Address: MARUSEVEC 6
Postal Code: 42243
Region: Varaždinska županija
Organisation type: Local Public body
PIC: 920598968
Postal Code: 3252
Region: Savinjska
PIC: 940551868
Within the Europe for Citizens Programme, the information available on the Website refers to the content submitted by the beneficiaries, as the data is retrieved directly from the application, at the moment of the selection.