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Atlantic stakeholder platform conference, Dublin, 27 September 2016

date:  27/09/2016

Atlantic stakeholder conference 27 September 2016

Location: Dublin, Ireland

The annual Atlantic Stakeholder Conference will take place in Dublin (Ireland) on 27 September 2016. This event is the central hub for stakeholders of the Atlantic Strategy to make valuable contacts and explore areas for cooperation, share information and good practices, promote and identify interesting project ideas as well as funding opportunities and partnerships for their projects.

The 3rd Atlantic Stakeholder Platform conference will focus on topics related to Priority 1 of the Atlantic Action Plan; to “Promote entrepreneurship and innovation” emphasizing on project development so as to promote activities linked with the Atlantic Best Practices.

This year the Atlantic Stakeholder Platform Conference will also honour outstanding achievements in the field of sustainable “Blue Growth”, hosting the ceremony for the Atlantic Project Awards.

In addition, the conference wishes to give prominence to the international dimension of the Atlantic Strategy embodied in the agreement Galway and its potential support to the Blue Economy.

The agenda of the event includes the following sessions:

  • An introductory plenary session including a short Atlantic Project Award Ceremony at which the "Atlantic Project Awards" will be delivered.
  • Parallel thematic workshops on priority 1 of the Atlantic Action Plan (workshop tropics are being selected from submissions received during an open call for proposals now closed).
  • A closing plenary session including a presentation of the workshop outcomes.
  • As side networking and matchmaking activities, 40 exhibition stands will be operating during the conference, as well as a designated matchmaking area for appointments between participants.

Join the conference and fill in the registration form.

For more information:

Atlantic Stakeholder Conference website

Atlantic Action Plan