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Socio-economic dimension in EU fisheries

In the fall of 2012, the European Commission commissioned a study on the socio-economic dimensions in EU fisheries. The study, produced by MRAG, has now been finalised and examines the local processes of development and diversification and the role of fisheries in coastal communities through the collection of primary data at local level.

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date:  18/12/2013

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Coastal areas within Galicia (five harbours in the Pontevedra province), Scotland (5 harbours in the Shetlands), Brittany (Paimpol, Brest and Le Guilvinec) and Sicily (5 harbours in the Palermo province) have been analysed. In this respect, the study is a continuation of a previous one (Regional social and economic impacts of change in fisheries-dependent communities, April 2011). In addition, the study looks also into the feasibility of socio-economic indicators which could be included in the future framework for data collection.

Study published on 18/12/2013