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European Commission > Investing in European Research > Short summary of all currently running projects

Short summary of all currently running projects

BIS-RTD project- "Building and Improving Support for RTD Policy and Public Spending"

Coordinator organisation: Javna Agencija za raziskovalno dejavnost RS - Slovenian Research Agency, Slovenia

The aim of the project is to evaluate, identify critical success factors and good practices of R&D funding models, policies and instruments in participating regions/countries including their communication schemes with the aim to formulate guidelines for successful target-oriented RTD funding policies and their implementation; to offer recommendations to RTD policy makers on communication tools for obtaining funding levels necessary for ‘competitiveness-minded’ research, leading to new and improved products and services.

Web page link:

REACT project- "Regional Empowerment in Actions and Concepts for Policy Development and Technology Transfer"

Coordinator organisation: Landesentwicklungsgesellschaft Thueringen MBH, Germany

The aim of the project is to improve the environment for public research and to foster the technology transfer between research and industry . This will be realized by working on concrete objectives to help the participating regions improve RTD and to enhance the technology transfer both within and between the regions. The project aims at improving the link between public research bases and industry and helps to create bridges between researchers, policy makers and SMEs.

Web page link:

COGNAC project- "Coordination of RDI policies and their coherence with other policies in Newly Acceded Countries"

Coordinator organisation: Earfu Eszak-Alfoldi Regionalis Fejlesztesi Ugynokseg Kozhasznu Tarsasag, Hungary

The project aims to support the regional dimension of the ERA by increasing the effectiveness and coherence of the RDI policies with special focus on the newly associated countries. The proposal focuses on the public research spending and policy mixes with specific focus on SMEs / the usage of structural funds/ and the new MS.

Web page link:

ERID- Watch p roject- "European Research Infrastructures Development Watch"

Coordinator organisation: Commissariat a l'énergie atomique (CEA), France

The objective is to improve the MS policy mix to increase the public investment efficiency for European Research Infrastructures (RIs) and develop Public/Private Partnership (PPP). It includes new approaches for the construction and up-grades of Research Infrastructure through public procurements policies and RI’s governing rules as well as stimulates Knowledge & Technology transfers linked to the market of procurements.

Web page link:

ForTransRIS p roject "A new transregional foresight model for the regional innovation strategies"

Coordinator organisation: Gobierno De Navarra , Spain

The main and general objective of theproject is to develop and apply a “Trans-Regional Foresight” methodology, as an essential toolin order to motivate a new Regional Innovation System model in the EU, based on the Trans-regional Cooperation and Knowledge and Technology Transfer. The incorporation of the trans-regional foresight process can help to increase the integration of the R&D regional policies under the EU framework and improve new Regional Innovation Strategies.

Web page link:

OMC-PTP p roject "Public technology procurement as a strategic innovation policy mix instrument"

Coordinator organisation: Instituut voor de Aanmoediging van Innovatie door Wetenschapen Technologie in Vlaanderen, Belgium

The project aims to establish a network of policy actors aiming at the exchange and learning on public technology procurement procedures and their implementations. The project will develop common methodologies (toolbox/manual) for the alignment/coordination of relevant policies.

Web page link:

EUROPEER SME p roject "Best practices to bring research and innovation in European SME through the “peer review” method"

Coordinator organisation: Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GMBH, Germany

The main objectives of EUROPEER SME are to foster mutual learning and elaborate best practices on national and regional RTD support programmes to SMEs; to optimise the exchange of best practices by identifying conditions for transferability and developing transfer schemes; to diminish overlap and strengthen the co-ordination of RTD policies directed to SMEs. The peer-review method will be utilized and a sustainable network will be established.

Web page link:

CERT-TTT-M p roject "CERTIFIED TRANS-NATIONAL TT- MANAGER" - Building up a framework to qualify TT- Managers on a trans-national level and with mutual recognition"

Coordinator organisation: Austria Wirtschafttsservice GmbH, Austria

The project addresses directly the 1st CREST-Recommendations in particular: to support EU-wide coordinated TT awareness and training activities; to develop specific courses and programmes on TT and to ensure that they are accessible at a national level; to promote the accreditation of TT professionals on a EU-wide basis; to facilitate exchange of personnel and experience, and promote mobility.

Web page link:

R4R p roject "Regions for Research"

Coordinator organisation: Stockholmsregionens Europakommitte , Sweden

The project aims at developing models for Knowledge Transfer in the management of research policies at regional level. It will identify best practices, their success factors and pre-conditions. It will define transferability scenarios and guidelines for the adoption of those models in specific contexts.

Web page link:

SupPolicy project "Support policy making through innovative assessing tools"

Coordinator organisation: Finlombarda - Finanziaria Regionale Per Lo Sviluppo Della Lombardia SpA, Italy

The project aims at supporting the sub-national and national research and innovation policy actors by providing a methodology to translate the results produced by innovation assessing tools into concrete policy making decisions. The aim is also to improve the effectiveness of the policy-cycle in order to increase the impact of public interventions through the creation of an effective and coherent national and regional policies framework

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