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Table 3 Biocides approved by US-FDA for health care settings, or registered by the US-EPA

Disinfection level  Biocides  
Low-level   Ethyl or isopropyl alcohol (70-90%) 
Iodophor solution (follow product label for use-dilution) 
Phenolic (follow product label for use-dilution) 
Quaternary ammonium detergent solution (follow product label for use-dilution) 
Sodium hypochlorite (5.25%-6.15% household bleach diluted 1:500, ≈100 ppm available chlorine) 
Intermediate-level  Ethyl or isopropyl alcohol (70-90%) 
Phenolic (follow product label for use-dilution) 
Sodium hypochlorite (5.25%-6.15% household bleach diluted 1:100, ≈500 ppm available chlorine) 
    High-level     Glutaraldehyde ≥2%
Glutaraldehyde (1.12%) and phenol/phenate (1.93%) 
Hydrogen peroxide (7.5%) 
Hydrogen peroxide (7.35%) and peracetic acid (0.23%) 
Hydrogen peroxide (1%) and peracetic acid (0.08%) 
Hypochlorite (single-use chlorine generated by electrolyzing saline containing >650-675 ppm of active free chlorine) 
Ortho-phthalaldehyde (0.55%) 
Peracetic acid (0.2%) 

Source: SCENIHR,  Assessment of the Antibiotic Resistance Effects of Biocides (2009),
Section 3.3.1Biocides in health care, p. 20