European Commission - Growth

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Small Business Act - Database of good practices

Translations EN

Id 485
Year of submission 2008
01. Title of the measure Thuishuis (Childcare from Home) Foundation
02. Country
03. Language English
04. Contact details
Responsible organisation CMO Groningen
Name and Surname of contact person Dr. Sjikke Mulder
Street and number Postbus / PO Box 2266, 9704 CG Groningen
Postal code
Country NL
E-mail of contact person
Website of organisation

05. SBA policy area Promoting entrepreneurship
06. Source EEPA - European Enterprise Promotion Award
07. Description of the measure The growing economy in the Netherlands, with ever more parents going out to work, poses a problem in rural areas. Here the traditional support network has been equally eroded by the reducing number of people at home during the day. Stichting Thuishuis (Thuishuis Foundation) was established in 2002 to provide small-scale child day-care facilities in the countryside in the northern provinces, where large-scale childcare centres are not feasible. Using a franchise system, the foundation offers people the chance to start a fully-fledged business in their own home, while offering them the opportunity to combine work and family better. The resulting businesses are not part-time concerns but generate viable incomes. There are already 28 branches of Thuishuis, averaging 115 care hours each a week, and numbers are set to grow. The franchising factor provides an important multiplier element that encourages the spread of the approach.
08. Objectives

09. Duration (dd/mm/yyyy)
Start Date
End Date Measure open-ended
Other Information
10. Target group
11. Have you consulted business organisations before submitting this measure? No
11.1 Comments/testimonial by business organisation/entrepreneur
12. Why is this measure a success? Please give information on results and achievements.
13. Problems that had to be overcome and lessons learned
14. Information on the measure can be provided in the following languages
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