Publication Details

Back Compilers Guide for statistics on Services Trade by Enterprise Characteristics (STEC)

The Eurostat-OECD Compilers Guide for Statistics on Services Trade by Enterprise Characteristics (STEC), which builds on the work and expertise of the Eurostat STEC Task Force, provides recommendations on how STEC statistics can be compiled. More specifically, this guide provides methodological guidance on how to produce statistics by linking different statistical datasets; as STEC data are typically produced by linking International Trade in Services enterprise surveys with the Statistical Business Register. As a result additional statistical information can be derived from the existing national statistical data sources without increasing the burden to the respondents. This Eurostat-OECD Compilers Guide for Statistics on Services Trade by Enterprise Characteristics is an important tool that facilitates the production of cross-country comparable STEC statistics.

Electronic format

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Release date: 20 November 2017

Additional information

Product code: KS-GQ-16-007
ISBN 978-92-79-58856-3
ISSN 2315-0815
Theme: International trade
Collection: Manuals and guidelines