Back We need you!

25 May 2018

Eurostat is currently conducting usability studies to understand how people use statistical products on the Eurostat website. Users’ feedback will be integrated in the process of designing Eurostat’s statistical products in order to make sure that they are usable and useful to all citizens.

Do you ever look up Eurostat’s statistics for research, to get general background information, for decision-making, for media use, or for personal interest? Are you willing to help us better understand your needs as users of European statistics?

We are looking for candidates to take part in individual sessions of one hour each between 28/05 and 06/06. The sessions will be in English and will be carried out remotely via a video conferencing tool in the browser.

If your are interested to take part, please click here and answer a few short questions and leave us your contact details.

Thanks for helping us to improve our products! And don't forget to share this with your friends and colleagues...

If you have any questions, please contact us: ESTAT-USER-RESEARCH@EC.EUROPA.EU