Aquaculture production by species (fish_aq)

National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRS)

Compiling agency: Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke)

Eurostat metadata
Reference metadata
1. Contact
2. Statistical presentation
3. Statistical processing
4. Quality management
5. Relevance
6. Accuracy and reliability
7. Timeliness and punctuality
8. Coherence and comparability
9. Accessibility and clarity
10. Cost and Burden
11. Confidentiality
12. Comment
Related Metadata
Annexes (including footnotes)

For any question on data and metadata, please contact: Eurostat user support


1. Contact Top
1.1. Contact organisation

Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke)

1.2. Contact organisation unit

Statistical services

1.5. Contact mail address

2. Statistical presentation Top
2.1. Data description

Main characteristics

2.1.1 Describe shortly the main characteristics of the statistics 

Aquaculture production statistics as defined in Regulation (EC) 762/2008 contain four different datasets:
AQ2A - Aquaculture production volume at first sale for human consumption (excluding hatcheries and nurseries) by species, FAO Major Area, cultivation method and aquatic environment.
AQ2B - Production of fish eggs (roe) for human consumption at first sale by species, by FAO Major Area, cultivation method and aquatic environment.
AQ3 - Input to capture-based aquaculture, i.e. wild seed, by species.
AQ4 - Production of juveniles and fertilised eggs at first sale for further on-growing or release to the wild by species.
The production volume is measured in tonnes live weight (TLW) and economic value as unit price in national currency per tonne (NAC_T/TLW), with the exception of juveniles and fertilised eggs which are measured in numbers.
In addition, a fifth dataset (AQ5) provides information on the size (in hectares, 1000 cubic metres or metres) of aquaculture production facilities segmented by species group, FAO Major Area, cultivation method and aquatic environment every third year.

Reference period

2.1.2 Reference period of the data collection 


National legislation

2.1.3 Is there a national legislation covering these statistics? Yes
If Yes, please answer all the following questions.
2.1.4 Name of the national legislation

The Act on the Natural Resources Institute of Finland (561/2014) and the Act on Food and Natural Resources Statistics (562/2014)
The Finland’s Statistics Act (280/2004)

2.1.5 Link to the national legislation

2.1.6 Responsible organisation for the national legislation

The Finnish Parliament , The Natural Resources Institute Finland

2.1.7 Year of entry into force of the national legislation

2004, 2014

2.1.8 Please indicate which variables required under EU regulation are not covered by national legislation, if any.

All variables required under EU regulation are covered by national legislation

2.1.9 Please indicate which national definitions differ from those in the EU regulation, if any.
2.1.10 Is there a legal obligation for respondents to reply? Yes

Additional comments to data description

2.2. Classification system

The following variables are recorded with regard to aquaculture production:
a) 'Species' means the species of aquatic organisms identified using the international 3-alpha code as defined by the FAO (ASFIS List of Species for Fishery Statistics Purposes). Individual species are grouped in aggregates according to their taxonomy and living habits. These aggregates are specified in the International Standard Statistical Classification of Aquatic Animals and Plants (ISSCAAP) and indicated in the ASFIS list.
b) 'FAO major areas' means the geographical areas as defined by the FAO (CWP Handbook of fishery statistical standards). The FAO major areas covered are: 27 'Northeast Atlantic', 37 'Mediterranean and Black Sea', 34 'Atlantic Eastern Central', 5 'European inland waters', 1 'African inland waters'.
c) 'Cultivation method' includes ponds, cages, tanks and raceways, enclosures and pens, recirculation systems, others and not specified. For molluscs also on-bottom and off-bottom systems.
d) 'Aquatic environment' distinguishes the water types fresh water and salt (sea and brackish) water.
The methods and water types are defined in Annex I of Regulation (EC) No 762/2008.

2.3. Coverage - sector

Off-farm commercial aquaculture production destined to human consumption.

2.4. Statistical concepts and definitions

According to Regulation (EC) 762/2008, aquaculture production means the output from aquaculture at first sale. For animals, only production for human consumption is considered, while ornamental or functional species as well as feed production is excluded. By contrast, aquatic plants will be recorded notwithstanding their final use.
The production volume is expressed in tonnes live weight [TLW] of the product. This weight includes all shells and bones. Data for the economic value of the production are reported as unit price in national currency per tonne [NAC_T]. The production of hatcheries and nurseries is reported in numbers and expressed in millions. Data on the structure of the aquaculture sector are expressed in thousand cubic metres, hectares or, optionally, 'metres rope length' according to the method.

2.5. Statistical unit

Aquaculture production facility

2.6. Statistical population

All commercially active aquaculture production facilities within the national territory

2.7. Reference area
2.7.1 Geographical area covered

The entire territory of the country

2.7.2 Which special Member State territories are included?

Åland Islands

2.8. Coverage - Time

The collected data was extended in the beginning of 1990´s, and the estimation methods were revised. In 1996 post stratification was used first time to correct for nonresponse. Since the year 2006 the statistical unit has been aquaculture enterprise, instead of fish farm (production unit).

2.9. Base period

Not applicable.

3. Statistical processing Top
3.1. Source data

Overall summary

3.1.1 Total number of different data sources used


The breakdown is as follows:
3.1.2 Total number of sources of the type "Census"


3.1.3 Total number of sources of the type "Sample Survey"


3.1.4 Total number of sources of the type "Administrative source"


3.1.5 Total number of sources of the type "Experts"


3.1.6 Total number of sources of the type "Other sources"



These questions only apply to censuses. If there is more than one census, please describe the main census below and the additional ones in table 3.1 of the annexed Excel file 
3.1.7 Name/Title

Aquaculture statistics

3.1.8 Name of Organisation responsible

Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke)

3.1.9 Main scope

Data are collected for information, monitoring, analysis and evaluation of the National Aquaculture Sector.

3.1.10 List used to build the frame

The Aquaculture Register maintained by the Centres for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment

3.1.11 Any possible threshold values
3.1.12 Population size


3.1.13 Surveyed entity Production facitlity
3.1.14 If Enterprise, please specify
3.1.15 Additional comments

Questionnaires were mailed to a total of 464 fish farming and 22 crayfish farming. Each enterprise have one or more (even ten) production units (farms). Because the information is asked separately from each farms, so the respondents received total of 486 questionnaires.

Sample survey

These questions only apply to surveys. If there is more than one survey, please describe the main survey below and the additional ones in table 3.1 of the annexed Excel file 
3.1.16 Name/Title
3.1.17 Name of Organisation responsible
3.1.18 Main scope
3.1.19 List used to build the frame
3.1.20 Any possible threshold values
3.1.21 Population size
3.1.22 Surveyed entity
3.1.23 If Enterprise, please specify
3.1.24 Sample size
3.1.25 Sampling basis
3.1.26 If Other, please specify
3.1.27 Type of sample design
3.1.28 If Other, please specify
3.1.29 If Stratified, number of strata
3.1.30 If Stratified, stratification criteria
3.1.31 If Other, please specify
3.1.32 Additional comments

Administrative source

These questions only apply to administrative sources. If there is more than one administrative source, please describe the main source below and the additional ones in table 3.1 of the annexed Excel file 
3.1.33 Name/Title
3.1.34 Name of Organisation responsible
3.1.35 Contact information (email and phone)
3.1.36 Main administrative scope
3.1.37 Geospatial Coverage
3.1.38 Update frequency
3.1.39 Legal basis
3.1.40 Are you able to access directly to the micro data?
3.1.41 Are you able to check the plausibility of the data, namely by contacting directly the units?
3.1.42 How would you assess the proximity of the definitions and concepts (including statistical units) used in the administrative source with those required in the EU regulation?
3.1.43 Please list the main differences between the administrative source and the statistical definitions and concepts
3.1.44 Is a different threshold used in the administrative source and statistical data?
3.1.45 If Yes, please specify
3.1.46 Additional comments


If there is more than one Expert source, please describe the main one below and the additional ones in table 3.1 of the annexed Excel file 
3.1.47 Name/Title
3.1.48 Primary purpose
3.1.49 Legal basis
3.1.50 Update frequency
3.1.51 Expert data supplier
3.1.52 If Other, please specify
3.1.53 How would you assess the quality of those data?
3.1.54 Additional comments

Other sources

If there is more than one other statistical activity, please describe the main one below and the additional ones in table 3.1 of the annexed Excel file 
3.1.55 Name/Title
3.1.56 Name of Organisation
3.1.57 Primary purpose
3.1.58 Data type
3.1.59 If Other, please specify
3.1.60 How would you assess the quality of those data?
3.1.61 Additional comments


3.2. Frequency of data collection


3.3. Data collection


These questions only apply to censuses. If there is more than one census, please describe the main census below and the additional ones in table 3.3 of the annexed Excel file 
3.3.1 Name/Title

Aquaculture statistics

3.3.2 Methods of data collection Postal questionnaire
Electronic questionnaire
Telephone interview
3.3.3 If Other, please specify
3.3.4 If face-to-face or telephone interview, which method is used? Electronic questionnaire
3.3.5 Data entry method, if paper questionnaires? Manual
3.3.6 Please annex the questionnaire used (if very long: please provide the hyperlink)

Questionnaires only in finnish and swedish



3.3.7 Additional comments

The Aquaculture Statistics is an overall study whose target population consists of the fish farms in the Aquaculture Register at the end of the statistical year. The Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke) collects production information from the fish farmers by a mail questionnaire with an electronic reply option. The information is solicited separately from each production unit. Each separate fish farm usually has a fish farming permit granted by the Water Court. All aquaculture farmers must be listed on this register and they should report to it all changes that occur in their operation. The Aquaculture Register is in principle updated continuously. In spite of this the register data is double-checked by Luke. The data of Åland's fish production is received from the Provincial Government of Åland. Questionnaires concerning year 2021 were mailed to a total of 334 fish and crayfish farming enterprises. The questionnaire was conducted at the beginning of 2021. Contact by mail was made two times, in January and February. The replies were expected to be received before the end of March at the latest. After that two text messages and a telephone interview was made for those who did not respond to the postal questionnaire. A total of 99 % of those who had received the questionnaire, answered. The data collection finished in the middle of May. The answers were checked and recorded to the database during March -May. During May-June the results were calculated. The aquaculture statistics concerning the year 2021 were made public nationally in June 2022.


Sample survey

These questions only apply to surveys. If there is more than one survey, please describe the main survey below and the additional ones in table 3.3 of the annexed Excel file 
3.3.8 Name/Title
3.3.9 Methods of data collection
3.3.10 If Other, please specify
3.3.11 If face-to-face or telephone interview, which method is used?
3.3.12 Data entry method, if paper questionnaires?
3.3.13 Please annex the questionnaire used (if very long: please provide the hyperlink)
3.3.14 Additional comments

Administrative source

These questions only apply to administrative sources. If there is more than one administrative source, please describe the main source below and the additional ones in table 3.3 of the annexed Excel file 
3.3.15 Name/Title
3.3.16 Extraction date
3.3.17 How easy is it to get access to the data?
3.3.18 Data transfer method
3.3.19 Additional comments


If there is more than one other statistical activity, please describe the main one below and the additional ones in table 3.3 of the annexed Excel file 
3.3.20 Name/Title
3.3.21 Methods of data collection
3.3.22 Additional comments
3.4. Data validation
3.4.1 Which kind of data validation measures are in place? Manual
3.4.2 What do they target? Completeness
3.4.3 If Other, please specify

Valid value

Unit price in market value range

Relational checks between characteristics (e.g. species - method combination)

3.5. Data compilation
3.5.1 Describe the data compilation process

In order to account for the non-response error, the food fish enterprises were post-stratified. The strata basis consisted of the location of the enterprise, the facts of farm activity based on the Aquaculture Register. Also in fry production the strata basis consisted of the location of the enterprise and the information of the Aquaculture Register about farm activity. The very low non-response rate (1%) among food fish enterprises was corrected using imputation. Among fry production enterprises there was not any non-response. Deficient data on the value of fry production by species was substituted by estimates made using linear regression models.

The value of food fish, roe and fry production was calculated from the average producer prices. The value of rainbow trout and European whitefish production based on the prices collected by the Finnish Fish Farmers’ Association. The average prices of other food fish species, roe and fry were calculated on the basis of production values submitted by farmers. The values were given without the value added tax.

3.5.2 Additional comments
3.6. Adjustment

No adjusment

4. Quality management Top
4.1. Quality assurance
4.1.1 Is there a quality management system used in the organisation? Yes
4.1.2 If yes, how is it implemented?

Compliance with the quality criteria is monitored by the Advisory Board of Official Statistics of Finland. It also has the task of developing the statistical system and the dissemination of statistics.

The OSF quality criteria are compatible with the quality criteria of the European Statistical System (ESS).


4.1.3 Has a peer review been carried out? No
4.1.4 If Yes, which were the main conclusions?
4.1.5 What quality improvements are foreseen? Other
4.1.6 If Other, please specify

100% response rate

There is a goal to decrease response burden by increasing the use of administrative data.

4.1.7 Additional comments
4.2. Quality management - assessment

Development since the last quality report

4.2.1 Overall quality Stable
4.2.2 Relevance Stable
4.2.3 Accuracy and reliability Stable
4.2.4 Timeliness and punctuality Stable
4.2.5 Comparability Stable
4.2.6 Coherence Stable
4.2.7 Additional comments

5. Relevance Top
5.1. Relevance - User Needs
5.1.1 If certain user needs are not met, please specify which and why

Some detailed results can't be published because of confidentiality.

5.1.2 Please specify any plans to satisfy needs more completely in the future

We are trying to get permission from respondets for the publishing confidential data .

5.1.3 Additional comments
5.2. Relevance - User Satisfaction
5.2.1 Has a user satisfaction survey been conducted? No
If Yes, please answer all the following questions
5.2.2 Year of the user satisfaction survey
5.2.3 How satisfied were the users?
5.2.4 Additional comments

Annually we ask feedback and proposals from users for improvement the statistics. It seems that the users are quite satisfied. A good information channel on Luke’s statistics and the database are available for users at:

5.3. Completeness
5.3.1 AQ2A - Data completeness - rate

100% (50/50)

5.3.2 AQ2B - Data completeness - rate

100% (30/30)

5.3.3 AQ3 - Data completeness - rate

100% (6/6)

5.3.4 AQ4 - Data completeness - rate

100 % (120/120)

5.3.5 AQ5 - Data completeness - rate

This table will be done in 2024.

5.3.6 If not complete, which characteristics are missing?
5.3.7 Additional comments

There is no capture based production in Finland.

6. Accuracy and reliability Top
6.1. Accuracy - overall
6.1.1 How good is the accuracy? Very good
6.1.2 What are the main factors lowering the accuracy? Measurement error
Non-response error
6.1.3 If Other, please specify
6.1.4 Additional comments
6.2. Sampling error

Sample survey

These questions only apply to surveys. If there is more than one survey, please describe the main survey below and the additional ones in table 6.2 of the annexed Excel file 
6.2.1 Name/Title
6.2.2 Methods used to assess the sampling error
6.2.3 If Other, please specify
6.2.4 If coefficients of variation are calculated, please describe the calculation methods and formulas
6.2.5 Sampling error - indicators

Please provide the coefficients of variation in the worksheet CV of the annexed Excel file

6.2.6 Additional comments
6.3. Non-sampling error

See sections below.

6.3.1. Coverage error


These questions only apply to censuses. If there is more than one census, please describe the main census below and the additional ones in table 6.3 of the annexed Excel file Name/Title

Aquaculture Statistics

Over-coverage Over-coverage - rate

Not available

Under-coverage Does the sample frame include all units falling within the scope of this survey? Yes If Not, which units are not included? How large do you estimate the proportion of those units? (%) Impact on the data quality
Misclassification Impact on the data quality None
Common units Common units - proportion

Not applicable Additional comments

Sample survey

These questions only apply to surveys. If there is more than one survey, please describe the main survey below and the additional ones in table 6.3 of the annexed Excel file Name/Title
Over-coverage Over-coverage - rate

Not available.

Under-coverage Does the sample frame include all units falling within the scope of this survey? If Not, which units are not included? How large do you estimate the proportion of those units? (%) Impact on the data quality
Misclassification Impact on the data quality
Common units Common units - proportion

Not available. Additional comments

Administrative data

These questions only apply to administrative sources. If there is more than one administrative source, please describe the main source below and the additional ones in table 6.3 of the annexed Excel file Name/Title
Over-coverage Over-coverage - rate

Not available.

Under-coverage Does the administrative source include all units falling within the scope of this survey? If Not, which units are not included? How large do you estimate the proportion of those units? (%) Impact on the data quality
Misclassification Impact on the data quality Additional comments
6.3.2. Measurement error


These questions only apply to censuses. If there is more than one census, please describe the main census below and the additional ones in table 6.3 of the annexed Excel file Name/Title

Aquaculture Statistics Is the questionnaire based on usual concepts for respondents? Yes Number of censuses already performed with the current questionnaire?

28 years Explanatory notes/handbook for surveyors/respondents?  Yes On-line FAQ or Hot-line support for surveyors/respondents? Yes Other actions taken for reducing the measurement error? Additional comments

Sample survey

These questions only apply to surveys. If there is more than one survey, please describe the main survey below and the additional ones in table 6.3 of the annexed Excel file Name/Title Is the questionnaire based on usual concepts for respondents? Number of surveys already performed with the current questionnaire? Explanatory notes/handbook for surveyors/respondents? On-line FAQ or Hot-line support for surveyors/respondents? Other actions taken for reducing the measurement error? Additional comments
6.3.3. Non response error


These questions only apply to censuses. If there is more than one census, please describe the main census below and the additional ones in table 6.3 of the annexed Excel file Name/Title

Aquaculture Statistics Unit non-response - rate

0 % How do you evaluate the recorded unit non-response rate in the overall context? Very low Measures taken for minimising the unit non-response Follow-up interviews
Legal actions
Imputation If Other, please specify Item non-response rate

0% Item non-response rate - Minimum Item non-response rate - Maximum Which items had a high item non-response rate? Additional comments

Sample survey

These questions only apply to surveys. If there is more than one survey, please describe the main survey below and the additional ones in table 6.3 of the annexed Excel file Name/Title Unit non-response - rate How do you evaluate the recorded unit non-response rate in the overall context? Measures taken for minimising the unit non-response If Other, please specify Item non-response rate Item non-response rate - Minimum Item non-response rate - Maximum Which items had a high item non-response rate? Additional comments
6.3.4. Processing error


These questions only apply to censuses. If there is more than one census, please describe the main census below and the additional ones in table 6.3 of the annexed Excel file Name/Title

Aquaculture Statistics Imputation - rate

1 % Imputation - basis Same unit in previous data If Other, please specify Additional comments

Sample survey

These questions only apply to surveys. If there is more than one survey, please describe the main survey below and the additional ones in table 6.3 of the annexed Excel file Name/Title Imputation - rate Imputation - basis If Other, please specify How do you evaluate the impact of imputation on Coefficients of Variation? Additionnal comments
6.3.5. Model assumption error

Not applicable.

6.4. Seasonal adjustment

Not applicable.

6.5. Data revision - policy

Not applicable

6.6. Data revision - practice
6.6.1 Data revision - average size


6.6.2 Were data revisions due to conceptual changes (e.g. new definitions)  carried out since the last quality report?
6.6.3 What was the main reason for the revisions?
6.6.4 How do you evaluate the impact of the revisions?
6.6.5 Additional comments

7. Timeliness and punctuality Top
7.1. Timeliness
7.1.1 When were the first  results for the reference period published?


7.1.2 When were the final results for the reference period published?


7.1.3 Reasons for possible long production times?
7.2. Punctuality
7.2.1 Were data released according to a pre-announced schedule (Release Calendar)? Yes
7.2.2 If Yes, were data released on the target date? Yes
7.2.3 If No, reasons for delays?
7.2.4 Number of days between the release date of data and the target date


8. Coherence and comparability Top
8.1. Comparability - geographical

To be assessed by Eurostat.

8.1.1. Asymmetry for mirror flow statistics - coefficient

Not applicable.

8.2. Comparability - over time
8.2.1 Length of comparable time series

Since 1978

8.2.2 Have there been major breaks in the time series? No
8.2.3 If Yes, please specify the year of break and the reason
8.2.4 Additional comments

The collected data was extended in the beginning of 1990´s, and the estimation methods were revised. In 1996 post stratification was used first time to correct for non-response.  Since the year 2006 the statistical unit has been aquaculture enterprise, instead of fish farm (production unit).


8.3. Coherence - cross domain
8.3.1 With which other national data sources have the data been compared?

Other statistics

  • To some statistics compiled by Finnish Fish Farmers’ Association
  • In Finland each separate fish farm usually has a fish farming permit granted by the Water Court. If necessary we compare our production data occasionally to the farming permits or to the total fish growth in farms during the statistic year.
8.3.2 Describe briefly the results of comparisons

The results are quite close to above-mentioned data sources.

8.3.3 Additional comments
8.4. Coherence - sub annual and annual statistics

Not applicable.

8.5. Coherence - National Accounts

Not applicable.

8.6. Coherence - internal

9. Accessibility and clarity Top
9.1. Dissemination format - News release
9.1.1 Do you publish a news release? Yes
9.1.2 If Yes, please provide a link

9.2. Dissemination format - Publications
9.2.1. Do you produce a paper publication? No
9.2.2 If Yes, is there an English version?
9.2.3 Do you produce an electronic publication? Yes
9.2.4 If Yes, is there an English version? Yes
9.2.5 Please provide a link



9.3. Dissemination format - online database
9.3.1 Data tables - consultations

Not available.

9.3.2 Is an on-line database accessible to users? Yes
9.3.3 Please provide a link

9.4. Dissemination format - microdata access
9.4.1 Are micro-data accessible to users? Yes
9.4.2 Please provide a link

In princible it is possible to get anonymisated micro-data, if data application is accepted.


9.5. Dissemination format - other


9.6. Documentation on methodology
9.6.1 Are national reference metadata files available? Yes
9.6.2 Please provide a link

9.6.3 Are methodological papers available? Yes
9.6.4 Please provide a link


9.6.5 Is a handbook available? Yes
9.6.6 Please provide a link
9.7. Quality management - documentation
9.7.1 Metadata completeness - rate

Not available.

9.7.2 Metadata - consultations

Not available.

9.7.3 Is a quality report available? Yes
9.7.4 Please provide a link


10. Cost and Burden Top
10.1 Efficiency gains over the last 3 years None
10.2 If Other, please specify
10.3 Burden reduction measures since the previous quality report None
10.4 If Other, please specify

11. Confidentiality Top
11.1. Confidentiality - policy
11.1.1 Are confidential data transmitted to Eurostat? No
11.1.2 If yes, are they confidential in the sense of Reg. (EC) 223/2009?
11.1.3 Describe the data confidentiality policy in place
11.2. Confidentiality - data treatment
11.2.1 Describe the procedures for ensuring confidentiality during dissemination

We aggregate the data as describe above. In tables we use three (or two) points (…). We follow up the national statistics rules (

Because the statistical unit is an enterprise, there must be three or more enterprises e.g. in some area that publishing the production data is possible. With the same reason it is impossible to publish all production or the value (price) by methods or by species.

In Finland there may be only one enterprise which e.g. has some rare cultivated species. So the production data is confidential.

The confidentiality would be a larger problem in future, because the number of enterprises still decreases. This means that few big enterprises own most of the production units (farms).

11.2.2 Additional comments

Approach for publishing national Aquaculture statistics: Top-down

Procedures for ensuring confidentiality of disseminated data: Aggregation

12. Comment Top

Merry Christmas to Fisheries Statistics Team!

Related metadata Top

Annexes Top