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29 May 2018 - Plenary Meeting in Brussels

Plenary Meeting in Brussels 2018

The fifth annual meeting of the EU Platform on Coexistence between People and Large Carnivores took place in Brussels on 29 May 2018. The Platform members were introduced to a major information gathering exercise on large carnivore numbers, ranges, damages and threats to conservation, carried out by the IUCN Species Specialist Group – the Large Carnivore Initiative for Europe (LCIE). An early version of the results was presented, full results will be ready published later this year.
Linked to this item, the Platform reviewed how protection measures are being implemented in the EU and how member states fund such measures through national or European funding.

The work of national and regional large carnivore platforms and how the EU Platform can support, exchange with, and learn from them were also discussed.

A final item on the agenda was a review of information on fear and risk associated with large carnivores.
A press release from the meeting, the Communication Plan and the Work Plan update were agreed.

Workshop minutes are available here.


The presentations from the Plenary Meeting are available below.
Please note, the presentations do not necessarily reflect the views of all Platform members or the official view of the European Commission.

Welcome and introductory remarks by Thierry de l'Escaille, European Landowners Organization (ELO) and Humberto Delgado Rosa, European Commission - Platform chairs (no slides)

Overview of European policy regarding large carnivores by Marco Cipriani, European Commission

Use of EAFRD funding and other national support measures for preventing depredation of livestock by Katrina Marsden, Platform Secretariat (adelphi)

The Species Online Information System (SPOIS) by John Linnell, Norwegian Institute for Nature Research – NINA

Overview of national and regional platforms in the EU by Katrina Marsden, Platform Secretariat (adelphi)

The National platform of Campo Grande in Spain by Pedro Herrara Calvo, Fundación Entretantos

The National Wolf Competence Centre in Germany by Ilka Reinhardt, LUPUS – Institut für Wolfsmonitoring und -forschung in Deutschland

Update from the Regional Platforms for Coexistence between People and Large Carnivores service contract by Valeria Salvatori, Istituto di Ecologia Applicata (IEA)

Update from the EuroLargeCarnivores LIFE project and the Pathways conference in Goslar (to be linked with a regional workshop) by Raffael Hickisch and Moritz Klose, WWF

Dealing with fear and risk associated with large carnivores by Tasos Hovardas, Platform Secretariat (Callisto)

Bold wolves: an update from the LCIE by Ilka Reinhardt, LUPUS – Institut für Wolfsmonitoring und -forschung in Deutschland

Updated communication plan and communications toolkit by Katharina Brandt, Platform Secretariat (adelphi)

Conclusions by Jurgen Tack, ELO (no slides)