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National awareness raising campaign “Discover your Nature”

Reference: LIFE10 INF/PL/000677 | Acronym: Poznaj swoją Naturę



The increased number and volume of protected areas in Poland, especially those that form the Natura 2000 network, can create conflicts. In spite of generally favourable attitudes towards nature conservation, Natura 2000 can sometimes be perceived as an unnecessary additional conservation tool. Both local authorities and communities residing in Natura 2000 areas often think that the programme is a hindrance, rather than a help in the economic development of municipalities or regions, as was initially supposed. Many social, historical and economic factors contribute to this lack of acceptance. Measures aimed at increasing public acceptance of the expansion of Nature 2000 network in Poland are thus needed.


The main goal of the project was to improve awareness and appreciation of Natura 2000 among Polish citizens. This would lead to enhanced co-operation between key stakeholders, such as environmental NGOs and local authorities, in Natura 2000 areas. Lessons learnt during the project would be widely disseminated to help trigger multiplier effects that would further strengthen the credibility of Natura 2000 in Poland.


The project raised the environmental awareness of the local community of the value of nature conservation. It obtained results to show that nature conservation activities don't impede on economic development, recreation and tourism. It thus changed public attitude towards the need for nature conservation and protection of the Natura 2000 network and contributed to a greater acceptance of conservation measures on the local and central level. Ex-post monitoring showed that the share of the respondents who recognise that the presence of the Natura 2000 areas in their neighbourhood is beneficial for their community increased by 39% (in comparison to the results of the ex-ante questionnaire). The share of the respondents who have a positive association with the Natura 2000 sites was also up. It increased by 32%. As part of the project, the beneficiary established a Cooperation Forum that gathers together representatives of 33 institutions and organisations interested in nature protection. The Forum was a platform for exchanging experiences and discussing problems related to Nature 2000 protection among different stakeholders: representatives of environmental NGOs, local authorities, institutions responsible for nature conservation and local business associations etc. During the course of the project, the beneficiary organised five meetings of the Forum. The Forum will be maintained after the project.

The beneficiary also created five Natura 2000 Working Groups that consisted of representatives of the institutions involved in local conflicts related to the existence of Natura 2000 sites. Altogether the Working Groups comprised 175 members representing 94 institutions. The members of the Working Groups participated in preparing local Action Plans for solving the existing conflicts between the local citizens’ expectations and the requirements related to the protection of Natura 2000 areas. The experiences and lessons learned on the local level were summarised in a report, which outlined scenarios for mitigating different social conflicts in the area of Natura 2000.

The activity of the Working Groups allowed the scope of the conflicts related to Natura 2000 sites to be reduced in five regions in Poland: Białowieski Forest PLC 200004, Valley of Środkowa Noteć and Kanał Bydgoski PLB 300001, Beskid Wyspowy PLH 120052, Przełom Wisły w Małopolsce PLH 060045, Bieszczady PLC 180001. They achieved this aim by providing access to reliable information on the Natura 2000 network and presenting growth opportunities for local and regional communities arising from their proximity to protected areas.

The beneficiary organised direct communication acitivities aiming at transmiting knowledge about Natura 2000 objectives to the local society:

  • 20 local events, where approximately 65 550 people took part;
  • Two photo competitions: "The most beautiful Natura 2000 area in Poland", in cooperation with the National Geographic, and "7 New Nature Wonders in Poland". Based on the results of this competition the beneficiary published 30 000 copies of a tourist guide, number of which were disseminated with the monthly journal "National Geographic". The beneficiary also participated in local/regional events organised in the priority areas and hold a stand about Natura 2000 during the International Environmental Fair POLEKO in Poznan.
  • Finally, the beneficiary took part in the Ecological Films Festival, funding the awards for the best three films on Natura 2000 sites. The beneficiary also ensured that the winning films were broadcasted on the prime time public television. They were watched by more than 900 000 viewers.

    The project provides a good example of how conflicts between the needs of nature conservation and local development can be resolved. By increasing acceptance of nature conservation, the project also demonstrated a way of fostering the implementation of EU nature regulation.

    Further information on the project can be found in the project's layman report and After-LIFE Communication Plan (see "Read more" section).


    Reference: LIFE10 INF/PL/000677
    Acronym: Poznaj swoją Naturę
    Start Date: 01/07/2012
    End Date: 30/09/2015
    Total Eligible Budget: 2,097,336 €
    EU Contribution: 1,048,668 €


    Coordinating Beneficiary: Generalna Dyrekcja Ochrony Środowiska
    Legal Status: PAT
    Address: Wawelska 52/54, 00-922, Warszawa,

    LIFE Project Map



    • Awareness raising - Information


    • protected area
    • biodiversity
    • public awareness campaign
    • nature conservation
    • conflicting use


    • Directive 92/43 - Conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora- Habitats Directive (21.05.1992)


    Name Type
    Generalna Dyrekcja Ochrony Środowiska Coordinator
    None Participant