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Best LIFE-Nature Projects 2011

Best of the best

The EU Member States represented on the LIFE Committee, together with the LIFE Unit, have identified the 13 Best LIFE-Nature projects completed during 2011.


13 Best LIFE Nature Projects

This Best LIFE-Nature Projects aims to recognise some of the best LIFE Nature projects that completed their work during the reference period 2011. All projects completed within the reference period were initially technically assessed by the LIFE Unit’s External Assistance Team to produce a first list of Best Projects. The final selection was undertaken by the Member States. From the 13 "Best" projects, 4 projects were selected as being "Best of the Best" projects. These are, in no particular order:

  The 4 "Best of the Best" LIFE Nature Projects 2011
Award Bombina in the Baltic Region
web summary | website | layman's report
Beneficiary: Stiftung Naturschutz Schleswig-Holstein
Award Regain
Regain - Regional Actions to Improve Nature in River Odense and Odense Fjord
web summary | website | Layman's report
Beneficiary: Danish Nature Agency, District Fyn
Award Salzstellen Brandenburgs
Binnensalzstellen Brandenburg - Conservation and development of the inland salt marshes of Brandenburg
web summary | website | layman's report
Beneficiary: Landesumweltamt Brandenburg, Referat GR2
Award LIFE-Projekt Maifisch
LIFE-Projekt Maifisch - The re-introduction of allis shad (Alosa alosa) in the Rhine System
web summary | website | layman's report
Landesanstalt für Natur, Umwelt und Verbraucherschutz NRW (LANUV), Fachbereich 26 Fischereiökologie

The following projects (in chronological order) are "Best" LIFE Nature projects 2011:

The 9 "Best" LIFE Nature Projects 2011
Liereman - Habitat restoration in Landschap De Liereman
web summary | website | layman's report
Beneficiary: Natuurpunt Beheer v.z.w.
NATURA2MIL - Rehabilitation of habitats in military camps in Wallonia
web summary | website | layman's report
Beneficiary: Direction Générale Opérationnelle "Agriculture, Ressources naturelles et Environnement" (DGO3) - Departement de l'Etude du Milieu Naturel et Agricole (DEMNA)
PLTTAILLES - Rehabilitation of natural habitats on the Tailles Plateau
web summary | website | layman's report
Beneficiary: Direction Générale Opérationnelle "Agriculture, Ressources naturelles et Environnement" (DGO3) - Departement de l'Etude du Milieu Naturel et Agricole (DEMNA)
MORAVKA - Preservation of alluvial forest habitats in the Morávka river Basin
Preservation of alluvial forest habitats in the Morávka river Basin
web summary | website | layman's report
Beneficiary: Moravskoslezský kraj
Falco cherrug-Hu/SK
Falco cherrug-Hu/SK - Conservation of Falco cherrug in the Carpathian basin
web summary | website | layman's report
Beneficiary: Bükk National Park Directorate
Vipère d'Orsini
Conservation of French populations of Orsini's viper (Vipera ursinii)
web summary | website | layman's report
Beneficiary: Hortobágy National Park Directorate
European Bison conservation in the Bialowieza Forest, Poland
web summary | website | layman's report
Beneficiary: Mammal Research Institute Polish Academy of Science
SOS Freira do Bugio
Urgent measures for the recovery of Bugio's petrel, Pterodroma feae, and its habitats
web summary | website | layman's report
Beneficiary: Serviço do Parque Natural da Madeira
Active blanket bog in Wales
Restoring active blanket bog in the Berwyn and Migneint SACs in Wales
web summary | website | layman's report
Beneficiary: The Royal Society fot the Protection of Birds

How were the projects selected?

Scoring of completed LIFE-Nature projects began in 2007, using a set of criteria developed by the Commission. These criteria include: improvement of the conservation status of the species/habitats targeted at project sites; the short-term leverage effect of the project (ie additional resources mobilised during the project); the extent to which the species/habitats targeted at project sites have attained long-term sustainability and fully favourable conservation status; the long-term leverage effect (ie resources and support mobilised to maintain and reinforce the improvements of conservation status in the long-term); regional/national/international impact.

All completed projects are initially assessed by the LIFE Unit’s external monitoring team (the Astrale consortium). The monitors rank all the projects that end during the reference period to produce a first list of 20-25 "Best" projects. The final selection is undertaken by the Member States, each "Best" project being further evaluated by at least two Member States, and an average score is established (also taking into account the monitors' evaluation). The 5 top-scoring projects are the 5 "Best of the Best" projects.

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