Visit of HALLE 2 the reuse hotspot of the City of Munich

Halle 2 is much more than an used-goods store for the AWM. It offers room for new possibilities for reuse. There are regular repair cafes and auctions of well-preserved items. There will be cultural events in the future, such as readings and lectures, and it is already subject of regular scientific research to promote reuse and waste prevention. In addition, the AWM works together with many social projects. In 2017 AWM won with HALLE 2 the EUROCITIES Award in the category cooperation.
Useful information: 
The visit starts at 14:00 at the entrance of HALLE 2. Peter-Anders-Straße 15, 81245 München. It will last one hour and the participants will have the opportunitie to buy used goods. The visit is free of Charge.