Peter Kristensen

European Environment Agency
Peter Kristensen

Peter Kristensen, Project manager on Integrated Water Assessment, European Environment Agency, has more than 20 years of experience in the assessing the state of and pressures affecting Europe's water. A wide experience in state of the environment reporting and data management at national and European level including a European-wide knowledge of water quality and pollution; water resources, water abstraction and water use; climate change impacts on water; and sector activities affecting the state of water quality and water quantity.

Water is a key resource for our quality of life, industrial and agricultural production as well as the condition of many ecosystems in Europe. Clear downward trends in water quality determinants related to urban and industrial wastewater are evident in most of Europe's surface waters. More than half of the surface water bodies in Europe are reported to be in less than good ecological status, and will need mitigation measures to meet the Water Framework objective of achieving good status.