Inspiring dialogs for eco-innovation

Aims and objectives

The European Union’s Environmental Technologies Action Plan (ETAP) aims to promote eco-innovation and the take-up of environmental technologies on a broad scale. In order to achieve this aim, the European Commission, Member States and relevant stakeholders take the lead in their respective roles and capacities.

To date, the Commission works mainly with Member States on advancing the Plan. A number of Actions have already been put into motion. Regular meetings are held with Member States through a High Level Working Group.

There is also a need to bring together and increase the mobilisation of relevant stakeholders from business, finance and relevant technology domains.
This is the aim of the Forum.

The main task of the Forum is to explore strategic orientations for the future development of ETAP and to mobilise stakeholders for action. Emphasis is given to a business orientation. The Forum provides a platform for discussion, debate and interaction. It fosters the mobilisation of the relevant players towards common objectives and proposes concrete strategies for future action.

Admission for the forum is free but upon registration only. If you are interested to participate please send an email to the ETAP Forum Secretariat