Equal per APE, Compagnia dei Parchi ascii version


DP Managing organisation : CARSA SPA
Other national partners : COMUNE DI MORINO
EQUAL theme :Adaptability - Life long learning 
Type of DP :Geographical - Other - LA SPEZIA, TERAMO, PESCARA, CHIETI 
DP Legal status :Association without legal form 
DP identification :IT-IT-G-ABR-028 
Application phase :Project ended 
Selection date :29-05-2002 
Last update :03-05-2002 
Monitoring: 2003  2004  2005   


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The socio-demographic characteristics of the area are:
- the depopulation and exodus of the more active population strata towards the rest of Italy and abroad;
- the abandonment of traditional activities and lack of implementation of new, vital activities, except in very few areas;
- loss of identity and economic, social and cultural isolation with respect to new poles of development (for instance the Adriatic coast);
- the partial success of policies for the past decades development and the attempt to apply models of traditional development not gauged to local conditions.

For the more isolated municipality, the institution of Parks and Natural Reserves risks to define an `AREA PROTECTED FROM DEVELOPMENT` wherever we will limit to place ties and brakes to the productive activities, rather than to realize participations of environmental re-qualification, of infra-structural improvement, boosting to the economic growth and to the vocational training that would have to attenuate or to resolve the chronic isolation conditions of such communities.

The characteristics of the disadvantages and discrimination suffered by inhabitants of the area with regard to opportunities offered by the employment market are proved by 25 years of socio-economic studies.
`Italy of the settling uneasiness` a recent study carried out by Cresme in the year 2000, describes the depopulation and impoverishment of huge mountain-slope, mountain and insular areas. The three municipalities mainly pointed out as disadvantaged are defined like:

weak contexts: characterised by medium to high position above sea level, a low pro capita income, minimum level of graduates, extremely low level of employment, pulverised production;
old ancient world: characterized from hill and mountain areas, low land demographic density with aging population, low birth-rate, passive demographic balance, low level of instruction, pulverized structure of trading, not sufficiently exploited tourism supply, low income level;
mobile sands (little): similar characteristics to the previous group, even if less emphasized, the problem in this case are the difficulty of find strength points in such areas on which to make lever in order to re-launch the development.

Analysis per municipalities indicates in this case that 60% of them in Abruzzo are to be found in the three classes characterised by major relative disadvantage; most particularly 8% of municipality are classified in group a, 28.5% in group b, and 24% in group c. The municipality area covered by the EQUAL project are in the second and third groups.

Processing of ANCITEL data shows the situation of economic disadvantage in which the residential populations in the park areas live. The indicators of economic wealth are the following:

- deposits per bank branch: the average of the area is about 21 million lire per branch, noticeably below the regional average (approximately 31 million lire);

- taxable income per taxpayer: the average of the area is about 14 million lire against the 21 of the regional average;
- private property wealth per inhabitant: the average of the area appears not to be too distant from the regional average (approximately 50 million lire).

The inhabitants of this area show income levels of 30% less than the average citizen of Abruzzo; these data seem to have been confirmed by those regarding bank deposits. This only population wealth appears to be the patrimony of buildings, for there are a high number of uninhabited dwellings - over 50% not including the large municipality - that in some cases are quite isolated, which acquire value as buildings for tourist purposes.
The observation of the historical population series over the last 50 years points to a reduction of the local inhabitants of about 40%. However, the phenomenon of depopulation occurred with intensity in the post-war, 1960s period, then diminished in the 1970s, continuing up to the present day.
This was not a uniform phenomenon, even from a territorial point of view: the small mountain municipalities not involved in tourist development have been affected by a change in size of the population that is clearly higher than the one in the rest of the region.
The positive balance of the migration rate is connectable to what is known as `return migration`. This circumstance leads to two reflections:
- if this positive balance is not paired with an equivalent positive balance in the birth-mortality rate, an ageing of the population occurs;
- the flow of returning immigrants is destined to run down during the course of the next few years, determining further depopulation of the area unless some new reasons of attraction arise.

The high density of mountains in most of the municipalities areas has reduced the possibility of development for a competitive agriculture.
The growth registered in Abruzzo`s gross saleable product did not affect the area involved in the intervention. Here agriculture is abandoned or takes on a marginal nature. This is also proved by the increase in surface areas given over to woods and pastures, as well as a drastic reduction in extended stock-rearing.
95% of the companies in the area are found to be smaller than 10 hectares, which proves that in the production of income the sector plays a marginal and complementary role. The pulverization of the agricultural system is confirmed by direct management of the companies and by the relative use of family labour.
The ancient agricultural and pastoral tradition of the area has given rise to numerous traditional products; however these do present problems of: recognition, valorisation, marketing, impossibility of implementing sufficient production to cover any increase in demand.
Farmhouse tourism, which could represent a possible source of supplementary income thanks to the local environmental value, but whose potential is not exploited to the full due to the lack of a culture of hospitality and the new professional capacities sought by the market.
The secondary sector also shows a strong dualism between areas with an ancient craft and industrial tradition - the centres on the plains territories of the provinces of L`Aquila, Sulmona, Avezzano, and the other mountain areas in which the sector is practically absent.
The most widespread sector is that of agriculture and food, followed by the chemical, mechanical engineering, rubber and footwear sectors. With regard to the dimension the great pulverisation of businesses and presence small, capital-intensive companies can be noted.
The presence of small family-run businesses favours rooting in the territory and the quality of the product, but brings with it problems of capitalization, competitiveness, modest bargaining power, scarce programming, low management training profile. Moreover, these companies do not produce significant effects in allied industries, even though there is some demand for outsourcers.
The craft sector shows poor generational renewal, also because there is a lack of professional training process integrated with production reality. The most important sectors include ceramics, copper, wrought iron, stone, furniture, textiles and lace, gold-smithing.
A crisis in the building sector is particularly noticeable and this is very important for sector expansion and for an average size company. Re-addressing the sector towards recovery and improvement of the existing artistic and dwelling patrimony would certainly be recommendable.
The tourist sector appears as episodic and seasonal, concentrated on several localities that are equipped with winter tourism facilities; the enormous potentiality of green environmental quality, recovery of ethnic traditions (ranging from gastronomy to crafts), are all under-utilised. In this sense the offering is lacking, both from a cultural and from a professionalism standpoint, not to mention the availability of suitable accommodation and complementary structures.
The commercial activities reality appears split into many compartments with numerous activities located in isolated municipality with scarce margins for revenue and turnover; whilst others display a strong bond with tourist activities, large-scale distribution appears to be growing fast in territorial centres but does not, however, appear to encourage commercial penetration by local producers.
In conclusion the salient socio-demographic characteristics may be briefly summed up as follows:
From a demographic standpoint
· low demographic density - 1/3 of the regional average;
· small and tiny urban centres (less than 1000 inhabitants)
· migratory balance is persistently negative
· high ageing indices
· negative natural balance
From an economic standpoint
· activity rate is 30% lower than the regional average
· unemployment rates higher than the regional average
· high rate of commuters ecc.

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The general objective of this intervention is to overlap the discriminations the Park`s Areas productive system is subject to, both from the supply-side and for the demand-side, in order to create the premises for the training gear to be actually put into action, maximizing its incidence on the above mentioned development problems.
In particular the project proposal aims to achieve the fulfilment of the `Park`s Company` model (the model was issued from the ADAPT-AGRUS project see 1.6.4. paragraph). Such model is characterized by the implementation of a complex network of local and national stakeholders, and aims to the retrieval and tourism-oriented re-qualification of public and private real estate patrimony, in order to avoid both its further degradation and speculation, and its secondary houses oriented rescue but at the same time furthering the high added value tourism-oriented usage, that is to say through its `customized rotation` and enabling it to offer subsidiary services (B&B, small restaurants, sport and recreation services, typical product sales services, etc.).
The model is operatively implemented in `Equal`, through a network based on a 1 Learning Centre and 1 PIP system.

Indeed an even widely specific and new training intervention, destined for properly selected and identified beneficiaries, certainly produces quick effects (when finalized to employment opportunities) or medium time lapse effects (when finalized to employability).

The last twenty years` literature on training issue says that:

· The de-localization processes of training opportunities, that brought to the implementation of acquired skills valorization paths (and certification, sometimes) - in formal and non-formal contests -, cannot be limited to companies or to their corporate and associative activities, in order to avoid its lacking functionality and efficiency;

· As the individual`s training need reveals more clearly and continuously, the training supply seems still bound to standardization demands and obligations, for what concerns the didactics sequence as well as the used tools, methods and languages;

· The balance between theoretical learning and practical learning, always meant as related each other and only intended in this hierarchy sequence, is not to be sought as quantitative, but it concerns with the particularity of learning stimuli activated by the two contests in relation to the receiver`s cognitive styles;

· In the structure of professionalism, to change more quickly and deeply is what they call `skilled competence`, that is to say the know-how and the specific knowledge rather than relational (or so-called cross-sectional) skills.

· Institutional training systems are relatively equipped for skills `operalization` and `transformation` in professional skills;

· Training, meant as pre-eminently human practice (McIntyre, Pellerey), despite of its pervasiveness, needs mediations (structures, specialized human resources, normative apparatuses, tools and `codes`) and the fragmentation due to such facilities produces disorientation and, consequently, options dis-economies or motivation downfall and withdrawals.

The debate is therefore more and more oriented to pinpoint the operative conditions (rules, resources, intelligence) to make the adoption of this approach suitable, sustainable and efficient, rather than demonstrating that individual paths are more efficient for what is learning (this is a widely shared belief: it is quite illuminating, to this purpose, the contribution of Gardner`s work, in particular for what concerns the multiple intelligence theory).

For a more in-depth declination of the above mentioned general objective, the project aims to experience, in the particularly rich and complex contest such as the Park`s territory, an organizational solution able:

· On one hand, to guarantee the necessary flexibility (both in terms of frequency of training contents updates, and of adaptability and adequacy of formative and educational methods and languages), strictly required for a highly individualized learning approach;

· On the other hand, to ensure the delivery of services in favour of subjects who need, more or less aware, training, information, orientation and everything concerning both their personal development and the local, economic growth.

Once the general objective above-mentioned was arranged, the partnership has introduced a reflection about the physiognomy of the solution to be purposed.
First, a structure organized to supply services for people has to focus its attention on the definition of the `clients` typology to be reached: that is to say, the correct and exhaustive definition of the target-group enables the predisposition of more efficient, effective and operative conditions.

The answer to this question is that the beneficiaries are potentially pairs:

· Inhabitants of the Municipalities included in the Parks Area
· Workers lending their own activity, directly or indirectly, to the protected area`s administration activities;
· Mangers and employee of the active companies in the concerned territories.

These are the subjects, indeed, that scarcely succeed to take advantage of the so-called competitive benefit of residing in a `protected` area, benefit which can`t be fairly exploited, and so leading to conditions of discomfort and discrimination.

There is, moreover, a second series of potential target groups, that can be basically defined as:

· Visitors
· Responsible for the local development planning and for high school, educational and vocational training policy:
· Students and trainers who want or need to integrate their own initial training programs;
· Entrepreneurs or external investors, that wants to verify the opportunity of interventions in sectors and areas related to the territory and to the Park activities;
In this case they are potential clients for the supplied opportunities, rather than beneficiaries. Actually, the services delivery to these subjects certainly produces positive effects on the discrimination problem`s solution. In fact, interventions that fit to such subjects lead to visibility, credibility, motivation and they also can virtually stimulate investments (economic too).

The conciliation between these eight macro-typologies` various needs (in contents, themes, learning modality, stimuli response capacity, didactic objects and certification and evaluation testing methodology, just to quote a range of contexts) can only happen in terms of supported supply flexibility.
Actually, answering in term of supply fragmentation, in function of its maximum conformity to the specific need, has produced and still produces a perverse effect: the loss of visibility and the reduction of accessibility to the supplied opportunity.
In other words, mediation between the training, information or orientation and counselling requirement, and the expected response, too often occurs in the wrong place and time with the result of being of no efficiency and efficacy.

Right in the Lifelong Learning Memorandum they refer to the need to adopt an holistic approach, pointing out that the pursued efficiency and efficacy levels increase whenever is possible to create an integrated and complete supply within the structure itself.

The project intends to build and try out a network capable of connecting an operative structure the likes of the `Learning Centre` (acting as central hub and `catalyser` of the network) with the rest of the territory, by way of social and economic stakeholders working throughout the areas targeted by the proposed project. The LC is manned by qualified training and career advisory professionals, assisted by further specialised staff in the event that the LC is required to provide more specific assistance. The LC will also serve as the central touchpoint for the network of individuals and stakeholders actively operating in the social and economic life of the Parks territory and Protected Areas. Within the LC, said individuals will be able to learn new professional skills and acquire additional operating tools with which to set up ventures intended to promote the heritage (building, tourist, environmental) within and outside the regional territory on a widespread but network-based basis.

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Nature of the experimental activities to be implemented Rating
Guidance, counselling *
Training ***
Training on work place ****
Work placement ***
Job rotation and job sharing **
Employment aids (+ for self-employment) **
Employment creation and support *
Training of teachers, trainers and staff ***
Conception for training programs, certification **
Work organisation, improvement of access to work places *
Awareness raising, information, publicity ***
Studies and analysis of discrimination features **

Type of innovation Rating
Process-oriented ****
Goal-oriented ****
Context oriented ****

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Compared with processes, the innovative dimension of the project lies essentially in the two macro-options exercised:

· the first, of management-organisation nature, consisting in the conception of an intervention characterised by high level of integration between different institutions and counterpart during the development, implementation and evaluation phases.
· the second, in the architecture and non-sequential logic adopted for designing the learning centre activities (organisational flexibility centred around `client` needs.
In this case the parallel activities progress aims at the solution of logistics and structural problems, training operator actions, actions aimed at creating teaching and information tools, includes elements of management complexity, but permits creation of scale economies in the use of resources (economic and temporal) available to the project.
For what concern the context, the targeted innovation may be defined as `breakaway`. In fact, as emerged in the description of the areas on which the initiative will insist, they are characterised by a low capable training supply, information and consultancy services supply to local population, in an accessible and visible way, finalised, moreover, as a concrete model for territorial development, as shown by the `parks company`.
The learning centre, in itself, is a structure whose characteristics are known and relatively tried. But in a corporate context. Despite the unanimous consensus that the statement whereby the park represents a place where sensitivity and ability of an educational and cultural type may be developed without activity, the creation of an organised, visible, explicitly dedicated context, subject to quality controls and verifications of supplied services, and bound to a logic of integrated local development, represents a significant logical leap. In effect, this is a delocalisation action of the training offered to an environment characterised by low formality level.
It appears absolutely evident that these arguments are useful for demonstrating that even in terms of objectives, the proposal is configured as extremely innovative.
From this point of view, however, we must add that there exists a substantial difference between training actions aimed at particular types of users and constructed on the basis of predefined training paths (less innovative but not for this any less efficacious) and the objectives of this project, which proposes a model that envisages:
· the experimentation of forms that alternate between self-teaching and on-the-job training; etc.

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Budget Action 2

1 000 000 – 1 500 000 €

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Assistance to persons 
Unemployed  25.0%  25.0% 
Employed  30.0%  20.0% 
Others (without status, social beneficiaries...)  0.0%  0.0% 
Migrants, ethnic minorities, …  0.0%  0.0% 
Asylum seekers  0.0%  0.0% 
Population not migrant and not asylum seeker  55.0%  45.0% 
Physical Impairment  0.0%  0.0% 
Mental Impairment  0.0%  0.0% 
Mental Illness  0.0%  0.0% 
Population not suffering from a disability  55.0%  45.0% 
Substance abusers 0.0%  0.0% 
Homeless  0.0%  0.0% 
(Ex-)prisoners  0.0%  0.0% 
Other discriminated (religion, sexual orientation)  0.0%  0.0% 
Without such specific discriminations  55.0%  45.0% 
< 25 year  25.0%  25.0% 
25 - 50 year  30.0%  20.0% 
> 50 year  0.0%  0.0% 

Assistance to structures and systems and accompanying measures Rating
Support to entrepreneurship ***
Discrimination and inequality in employment ****
Disabilities **
Other discriminations ***
Low qualification ****
Unemployment ****

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 With beneficiaries

Developing collective responsibility and capacity for action
Participation in the project design
Participation in running and evaluating activities
Changing attitudes and behavior of key actors

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As we have pointed out before the final beneficiaries are essentially divided in two categories.
To the first ones mostly, belong, employee and independent workers or cooperative Company`s associated employee who bear a penalty in living in these areas, with reference to on-job uncertainty (referred to contractual or seasonal conditions), of low-employment status, as well as low-income jobs or frozen development of professional
Their involvement passes through the activation of formal relationships (Chambers of Commerce, contacts with Companies, continuous dialogue with the Social counterparts and trade unions) and the promotion of both initiatives and opportunities linked to it by using mass-media channels such as local radio and television networks, associations and cultural re-creative centres circuits, local press advertising.
To the second type belong subjects that are positioned in the labour market in a more complex way.
Visitors of the protected areas will be helped to reach the service by signals and promotional documentation, that will be distributed by tourism promotion sections and by hotels and receptive structures. The visitor`s participation will be monitored with `client-satisfaction` questionnaires and with the activation of boxes and showcases for their suggestions, to improve the quality of the supplied services.
Trainees and students that wish or need to integrate their own initial training pathways will be recruited in accordance with schools and training agencies operating on regional scale.
Researchers, tutors, cultural animators and experts, whose disciplines or vocational interests are in direct connection with both socio-cultural and economical characteristics of the protected natural areas, will be recruited and actively involved in the research and context analysis phase as well as in the predisposition and preparation of proto-types tools and materials. Acknowledgement of specific context and the implementation a correct `language` for the transferring of complex issues are precious to guarantee the efficacy of the training part of the intervention. The only channels that are to be activated are those of specialized press and school and academic networks.
For what concerns entrepreneurs or external investors, interested in verifying the opportunity of operating within the areas and sectors related to the Park`s territory and activities, they will be involved through the implementation, even when preparing informative materials and didactic supports, of communication tools (catalogues, maps, thematic archives) and their distribution on the channels of the various sectors these subjects are related to (especially tourism and building trade).


 Between national partners

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Any intervention made in favour of socio-economical development of specific areas or communities needs the best cooperation and co-responsibility between subjects that are going to start it. So, competence and individual contributions become a common shared patrimony, and this reveals the only way to increase efforts, investments and effects.
The relationship based on equal terms, that is to say the absence of hierarchical relations (except when it concerns with a natural response to functional coordination needs), necessarily refers to local and transnational partners as well, who will be involved time after time.
The need for coordination occurs as regards:

· The fulfilment of several formal procedures, concerning with the management of financial resources, relationships with the management authority (Italian Ministry of Labour) and the intermediate Organism (Campania Region). For what concern this function, it has been foreseen the constitution of a Management Committee held by Carsa Spa, within which Legambiente, the National Parks Federation, Cresme and Cilento and Vallo di Diano National Parks are represented and invested with advisory power.
· The maintenance of a substantial adherence to the service model and its contents, shared in the planning phase;
· The need to ensure inner communication efficiency;
· The need to guarantee `outgoing` messages uniformity;
· Mainstreaming actions;
· Self-monitoring and valuation functions.

The partner of the project, every three months, will gather in a meeting session to discuss a shared agenda.
Meetings will be prepared with informative reports that will be distributed through the web in advance. Such reports necessarily consists with a form divided in three: one part is a descriptive introduction (to make the partnership aware of updates and carried out events), one part deals with themes to be treated, and a third part is dedicated to possible options.
Decisions regarding organization and management aspects will be taken according to the partner`s suggestions, while more properly methodological and contents-concerning aspects will regard each institution included (whatever its dimension or operating role may be) that will be involved with its own representatives. This last option should guarantee a friendly mainstreaming action thanks to the ex ante and in itinere level of sharing for the decision-making process.

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 Linguistic skills

  • English
  • français
  • italiano

 Percentage of the budget for transnational activities

  • 3.5%

 Transnational Co-operation Partnerships

Transnational Co-operation Agreement DPs involved
686 RENEWAL DE EA-26853
ES ES480
SE 9

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 Involvment in previous EU programmes

  • Two and more partners involved in A&E

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National Partners

Partner To be contacted for
CARSA SPA Co-ordination of experimental activities
Design of the project
DP managing organisation
Monitoring, data collection
Transnational partnership

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Agreement Summary

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Brief description of aforesaid activities.

All the members of the PS have identified in Carsa spa both the referring subject of the project as well as the management responsible of the same PS. As a referring subject, Carsa has been identified as the only interlocutor of the administration and receiving of the contributions and will be responsible of the management and the presentation of periodical statements with centralisation of the procedure in its own centre. The PS established that all the members will follow the layouts foreseen in communitarian normative, concerning accounting and administrative management, the respect of layouts established by the referring subject, about organisation times of the project , and the respect of instructions given by referring subjects in order to arrange the documents belonging to periodical statements.The efficacy of administrative and financial management of the project is guaranteed by the experience maturated by Carsa spa in public funds management, as widely exposed in paragraph of this form; the foreseen managerial methods are exposed in this same paragraph. In any case, these will be developed to guarantee that all the partners could participate to the decision process.
Within the organization above described, the following responsibilities have been defined:·
- Carsa will take care of co-ordination and management of the project, of part of the research activity, of part of the realisation of UFC activity, of part of the mainstreaming activity, organisation and distribution of training, organisation and management of Learning Centre, realisation of the web site
- Cresme will take care of part of research concerning building, and it will participate to mainstreaming activity.
- Federparchi will co-ordinate and manage the transnational activity and will participate to mainstreaming activity.
- Legambiente will take care of research activity concerning the environment, the co-ordination and the realisation of mainstreaming activity.
- The National Park of Gran Sasso and Monti della Laga will take care of organising and management of three PIP (peripheral information points) and it will participate to mainstreaming activity.
- The Maiella National Park will take care of organising and management of the PIP and it will participate to mainstreaming activity
- The Sirente-Velino Regional Park will take care of organising of a PIP and it will participate to mainstreaming activity. - Incoming Abruzzo will take care of organisation and management of three PIP and it will participate to mainstreaming activity - Pettorano sul Gizio Municipality will take care of organisation and management of three PIP and it will participate to mainstreaming activity
- Morino Municipality will take care of organisation and management of three PIP and it will participate to mainstreaming activity.
All the partners, conscious of the strategic importance of networking in Equal initiative, are available in sharing, promoting and advertising -at a national and transnational level- the results, methodologies and instruments which will be developed during the project activities.

Last update: 03-05-2002 dot Top


Via Salara Vecchia, 1


Responsibility in the DP: Co-ordination of experimental activities
Design of the project
DP managing organisation
Monitoring, data collection
Transnational partnership
Type of organisation:Enterprise
Legal status:Private
Size:Staff 10-50
Date of joining / leaving:27-08-2001 /

Text available in

Carsa s.p.a. is an Agency of Integrated Communication operating on a national context. It was founded in 1979 and develops its activities in the subsequent sectors of intervention:
a) planning and implementation of integrated systems in the touristic and cultural sectors;
b) social studies, socio-economical and market researches;
c) planning, organisation and realization of museum equipments, exhibitions, trade and business show-rooms;
d) planning, management and implementation of event, fairs and happenings;
e) integrated communication;
f) training;
g) publishing.

During the 2000 financial year, Carsa encashed a turnover of 4,868,000,000 Italian Liras and the company has been certified in the year 2000, according to UNI EN ISO 9001 Standards. Currently the Company has a staff of 30 employee.
Carsa Spa made herself known as Abruzzo Region main publishing Company, setting up a wide production of monographs, brochures and illustrated guides concerning Abruzzo historical regional public property and its artistic heritage as well as for other Italian Regions. The company distributes its publishing products not only in Italy, but also abroad.
Within its working area, Carsa spa has furthermore matured a noticeable experience for what concerns local development support activities and it develops cooperative relationships with public local authorities:
- either for the conception of projects proposals,
- either for their direct implementation in these contexts,
- either for the implementation of activities foreseen by other project proposals promoted by different organisations.
Two examples include:
- a) the `AGRUS` project;
- b) the `Abruzzo Region`s Extra-Programme for Touristic Promotion`
The `AGRUS` Project, funded within the European Community ADAPT Initiative -PHASE II-, was conceived and implemented in cooperation with LEGAMBIENTE (promoter) and CRESME Spa. On that occasion Carsa was the project chief manager competent for the coordination of the foreseen activities. CARSA was appointed either to keep institutional relationships with the Managing Public Authority as well as to report on behalf of other organisations involved.
For ADAPT-AGRUS CARSA fulfilled these activities: executive planning, promotion, accounting activities, as well as working with the partner to implement research and training activities.
`Abruzzo Region`s Extra-Programme for Touristic Promotion`, on the other hand, was conceived and implemented by CARSA in the period 1994/1996, in order to build up the strategic regional organisation named as ` THE PARKS` REGION`.
Moreover, support activities for local development, include a wide production of socio-economical surveys carried out all through these years; communication and dissemination activities concerning social issues of relevant public interest, and promotional activities.

Contact person(s)

Name First name Phone E-mail Responsibility
Di Vincenzo Roberto +39-085-43031 Planning and coordination

Last update: 03-05-2002 dot Top


Via XXIV Maggio, 16
67050 MORINO


Responsibility in the DP:
Type of organisation:Public authority (national, regional, local)
Legal status:Public organisation
Size:Staff 10-50
Date of joining / leaving:27-08-2001 /

Text available in

The Zompo Lo Schioppo Natural Reserve was established with the Regional Law may 29th 1987 n°24. The Abruzzo Region has approved the Settlement Plan, with Decree of the Regional Council n° 12/19 (21-december 1990).
Among the Simbruini and Ernici mounts, in Val Roveto, a large mountain amphitheatre embraces a wide forest which, in its downstream side, has one of the most suggestive waterfalls of the whole Appennino: Zompo Lo Schioppo. The Reserve is 1025 ha wide, takes its name from the waterfall, whose name derives from a large rising (the Schioppo) that, just gushed out, precipitates from a 80 meter high cliff in a scenery of rare beauty.
This territory was, and still is, strongly penalized in terms of economic development; for this reason the Marino Municipality, Reserve managing institution, points on the Reserve for a development opportunity and for elaborating a territory management strategy. According to this, the Reserve is meant as a `territorial laboratory` in which innovative management actions are to be experienced and exported. In fact, the various completed plans and the ones still in course, often highly innovative for the area and the socio-economic situation, tend to individuate development and occupational perspectives strongly related to the territory and its population.
We can individuate, as the main objective, the concrete and programmed activation of the Regional Reserve Zompo Lo Schioppo as `Ecomuseum`, to be intended within the logic of European `Open-air Museums`: an idea of highly didactics spaces, definitely different from the conception of traditional stable museums.
In this general ambit, several strategic interventions have been already realized, some of them are listed below:

· Environmental municipality claim dump
· Implementation of a visits centre and naturalistic museum
· Rearrangement of landslides along Fossa-La Liscia road
· Videocontrol implant
· Project `Life-Una tasseta con l`orso` for the badger safeguard in the UE
· Fluvial park and nature-patways in the Natural Reserve Zompo lo Schioppo
· Environment improvements for fauna safeguard
· Environment retrieval of the `Ara Auraglia` cave
· Renewable resources
· Convention stipulated with the L`Aquila Engeneering Department
· Didactical projects for Environment-caring activated together with schools within the territory.
· Environment-caring laboratories and campaigns activated with the population involvement.

Contact person(s)

Name First name Phone E-mail Responsibility
Petricca Gianni +39-0863-978133 Mainstreaming

Last update: 03-05-2002 dot Top


Piazza Zannelli


Responsibility in the DP:
Type of organisation:Public authority (national, regional, local)
Legal status:Public organisation
Size:Staff 10-50
Date of joining / leaving:27-08-2001 /

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Since all the activities of a Municipality, which are laid down by law, are well acknowledged to everyone, attention will thus be focused on the peculiarities of the Natural Reserve of Monte Genzana - Alto Gizio and on the specific activities of Pettorano Municipality related with its management.

The Natural Reserve of Monte Genzana - Alto Gizio covers over 3,164 hectares, and it is fully embraced by the area of the Pettorano Sul Gizio Municipality, in the area of the regional protected areas system. It assumes a role of extreme importance since it acts as an ecological corridor between the National Parks of Abruzzo and Maiella. Its area, located between the 530 metres over sea level between Gizio river and the 2,170 metres over the sea level on Genzana mountain, comprises a range of differing natural environments that give birth to a precious flora and fauna patrimony.
In fact, within it there are the fluvial environments of Gizio river and Riaccio torrent, the mixed woods are predominantly downy oak. And hornbeam at hill level, the beech woods, often accompanied by yews and maples at mountain level, prostrate shrubbery at sub-alpine level and the peak prairies at alpine level. Fauna is also very rich and interesting; the mammals include bears, wolves, deer, roebuck, boar, foxes, beech martens, badgers, pine martens, dormice, hare and squirrels. Bird life includes eagles, peregrine falcons, honey-buzzards, the hobby, goshawk, buzzards and greek partridge,. Finally there are the invertebrates which include the noteworthy presence of lepidopteron, of which there are no less than 117 species of the 156 registered in central Italy. The reason that Pettorano Reserve represent a unique case on the complex panorama of regional reserves lying in the presence of the inhabited historic town of Pettorano sul Gizio within the protected area.
Through the valorisation of the reserve (considered a fundamentally important value for local society and for objectives of social preservation and equilibrium), the commune intends to pursue the development of a tourist economy, in a logic of compatibility and sustainability. This is the objective targeted by the policies of a series of councils over the last fifteen years, which culminated in the institution of the reserve in 1996, with regional law no. 116 dated November 28.
fixed social capital was enriched following a series of interventions and historic and environmental items able to arouse demand (information, cultural, use, for free time) and thus trigger processes of economic growth. One example is sufficient: the recovery of Cantelmo family Castle and the promotion of the castle within the ambit of the European Initiative credit - ECOS OUVERTURE `European Castle Road` in partnership with Austria, Hungary, Spain and Italy.

Contact person(s)

Name First name Phone E-mail Responsibility
Marzuolo Feliciano +39-0864-48115 Mainstreaming

Last update: 03-05-2002 dot Top


Via Fogliano 15
00199 ROMA


Responsibility in the DP:
Type of organisation:University / Research organisation
Legal status:Private
Size:Staff 10-50
Date of joining / leaving:27-08-2001 /

Text available in

CRESME is a no-profit association, founded in 1962, for the promotion and knowledge of building industry and territorial transformation, in order to realize research and study activities and to encourage bilateral meetings and debates between public and private operators. CRESME is organised on an associative basis (about 200 members) including a building company, materials producers, trade associations, industrial associations, Banks and credit banks, Building Cooperative Companies, governmental offices, local agencies and other operators of the building sector.

The even more increasingly complex demands received, gave a significant input to the Association in order to give birth in 1982 to the CRESME Research s.p.a. (a joint-stock company controlled by the CRESME association) which has a full market autonomy. In 1985 CRESME Research s.p.a. created two new companies: Cids, qualified in real estates management and Serico, qualified in territorial marketing and public communications.
CRESME s.p.a.`s research activities are characterised by a double sided approach:
- the capacity of keeping under permanent observation the building sector complexities and modifications as well as territorial transformations;
- the implementation of activities with CRESME s.p.a. in itself as the strategic reference centre, able to realize the proper connections between different institutions, experiences and disciplines concerning territorial transformation processes.
In order to fulfil these two strategic interventions, CRESME `s research activities are divided into:
· thematic area researches, including support activities for planning, programming and scheduling;
· support activities for the development of standard setting laws;
· market analysis;
· permanent informative systems in order to monitor new buildings and infrastructures production, renewal and re-qualification of buildings, the real estate market;
· training activities, `organised an a school system basis and concerning, directly or indirectly, the building industry market, the territory and real estate management `, as foreseen in CRESME statute agreement.
CRESME is also a founding member of Euroconstruct, the European building industry market forecasting group founded in 1975, which nowadays groups 15 research institutes whose shared objective is to analyse the development of the European building sector through the realization of short-term forecast reports concerning the four chief buildings market segments: new residential buildings, new non-residential buildings, civic buildings, buildings renewal interventions.
A widespread information broadcasting activity is accomplished via mass media, participation and organisation of both subject-matter related and strategic analysis debates and meetings.

Contact person(s)

Name First name Phone E-mail Responsibility
Mostacci Roberto +39-06-8540158 RESEARCH AND REFERENCE MATERIAL

Last update: 03-05-2002 dot Top


(Parco Sirente Velino)
Via degli Orti di S. Maria, 2


Responsibility in the DP:
Type of organisation:Public authority (national, regional, local)
Legal status:Public organisation
Size:Staff < 10
Date of joining / leaving:27-08-2001 /

Text available in

The Regional Natural Park of Sirente-Velino was founded in 1989 with Regional Law no. 54 dated July 13. It covers a surface area of approximately 60,000 hectares, all within the Province of L`Aquila, involving 22 municipalities.
Along these years the Park has focused its activities on the protection of its territory`s environmental and faunal values, and on its promotion and economic development.
Two LIFE projects have been implemented concerning with nature protection. The first, `RUPESTRIAN GULLY HABITATS`, targets the management of the territory on the basis of the conservation of the specific priority habitats identified in the Europea Community Directive no. 92/43. The role of this project, implemented between January 1995 and July 1997, was that of the first concrete intervention on the territory. Moreover, the project in question has taken on particular significance since it was included in the ambit of a European network of projects dedicated to the brown bear.
The validity of conservation measures applied by the life project was amply recognised by the Abruzzo Region, which used its own funds to ensure the continuity and extent of interventions already being operated thanks to Community funds, funded the project PONTE with over 400 million lire for 1997 and 1998, presented by the Park and aimed at verifying and monitoring results achieved and the extent of interventions in other Park areas. Regional intervention has made it possible for the Park to forward yet another LIFE project to the European union, on the same themes of study and protection of the bear. In the new LIFE project one of the actions held to be strategic was that conducted for implementation of a detailed programme for promoting public awareness and presentation of the results.
The Park also pursues the territory`s socio-economic development via direct participation in initiatives for territorial development. In fact, the institution is part of the Territorial Pact in local area and is furthermore committed to GAL MARSICA local action group. Moreover, to promote and motivate the emergence of eco-friendly businesses run by young people, the Park has promoted professional and management vocational training courses that target young residents.
Activities were implemented for the recovery and valorisation of historic and archaeological patrimony, not to mention the creation of visitors` centres to be given over for management by youth cooperatives present on the territory.
As for local tourist and economic development support in a sustainable perspective, with the cooperation of the Abruzzo Scientific Technology Park and OMNITEL L.t.d., the Park is perfecting an interactive guide based on mobile telephony and Internet, to be called `OMNIPARK`, covering the entire protected area.

Contact person(s)

Name First name Phone E-mail Responsibility
De Collibus Giulio Vittorio +39-0862-916343 Mainstreaming

Last update: 03-05-2002 dot Top


(Parco Gran Sasso-Laga)
Via del Convento - Assergi
67010 L`AQUILA


Responsibility in the DP:
Type of organisation:Public authority (national, regional, local)
Legal status:Public organisation
Size:Staff 10-50
Date of joining / leaving:27-08-2001 /

Text available in

The National Park of Gran Sasso and Monti della Laga was founded following the Presidential Decree of June 5, 1995, issued to implement the Framework Law for Protected Areas no. 394/91.

The Park covers 148,935 hectares of territory of 44 municipality areas, divided amongst the Provinces of L`Aquila, Teramo, Pescara, Ascoli Piceno and Rieti. Nine tenths of the total surface is in the Abruzzo Region.

As well as undertaking nature safeguard activities, the park promotes and supports projects for the social and economic development of the territory.
This is the framework that surrounds the Promotion of visitors` centres of the Park, a project in which the institution has been involved since its early days.
There are more than 40 of these centres in and around the inhabited centres, located in existing structures and especially recovered by the Park institution. The chief role attributed to these centres was to offer a meeting and reference point for visitors and residential inhabitants.

Each centre has been structured with its own theme and the Park is working for their valorisation by setting up museum spaces and natural paths connected to the centre, mainly through the creation of interactive welcoming systems, specific multi-vision systems and in general through all possible means of direct and indirect means of communication. The visitors` centres have also been installed with a SIM, (mountain information system), which includes the National Park of Gran Sasso and Monti della Laga, as one of the 3 piloting parks, singled out by the Institutional Department of Environment for testing the system. The visitors` centres are entrusted by the management of cooperative companies or local young entrepreneur companies.

This network system also foresees the design of management centres that represent the Park operating structures on the territory.
S.I.V. (video communication information system) equipment has been installed in all the Park management centres and in all the municipality areas included. The system is cabled across the entire park territory and enables residents and non-residents to exploit information systems that include videoconferencing.
All visitors` centre information was used to compose the fundamental plan script, called `park territorial organisation`.

The National Park of Gran Sasso and Monti della Laga was one of the `AGRUS` piloting project areas, promoted by LEGAMBIENTE in the context of European Community Initiative Adapt-Phase II

Contact person(s)

Name First name Phone E-mail Responsibility
Mazzitti Walter 0862/60521 Mainstreaming

Last update: 03-05-2002 dot Top


(Parco Maiella)
Via Occidentale, 6


Responsibility in the DP:
Type of organisation:Public authority (national, regional, local)
Legal status:Public organisation
Size:Staff 10-50
Date of joining / leaving:27-08-2001 /

Text available in

The National Park of Maiella was founded at the same time of the Gran Sasso-Laga one in 1991 with the Presidential Decree of June 5, 1995. Its 74,095 hectares lie totally within the Abruzzo Region, in the Provinces of Pescara, Chieti and L`Aquila.
Since its establishment the National Park of Maiella has focused and continues to focus its resources on programming policies that centre around sustainable development, i.e. joining the protection of the environment with economic and social territorial development, characterised by widespread human presence.
This is the logic framework of the initiatives promoted up to this moment:
a) environmental re-grading of rivers. In this programme, undertaken in the 3 years period 91/93 and 94/96, 21 projects in 15 of the Park municipalities were accepted for funding, for an overall total amount of 3,795,000,000 lire.
b) the department of the Environment Natour Programme created five welcoming and information centres for the activities of the park in five communes.
c) with the three-year protected areas 91/93 programme, 35 interventions were achieved for paths, equipped areas and mountain refuges.
d) with the three-year 94/96 programme the initiatives financed covered:
- protection and valorisation of building patrimony;
- incentive of sustainable agricultural-forestry-shepherding activities;
- incentive of sustainable craft activities.
The Park`s future programmes also cover:
a) a stabilisation project for socially useful workers, approved by the department of the environment in February 2001;
b) completion of the park museum, information and accommodation network, in order to define an adequate tourist service that is rationally articulated across the territory;
c) further incentives for eco-friendly production activities;
d) foundation of a studies centre, to be implemented in close collaboration with interested universities in Abruzzo, in Italy and overseas, as well as with chief cultural, environmental and social associations.
The studies centre objective is to:
- create and manage a research centre of public interest in the environmental field; promote and implement research, experimentation, consultant training and techno-scientific assistance activities;
- organise environmental tourism training courses, seminars and training initiatives;
- promote the establishment of specialisation schools and any other university level activities with Italian and overseas universities.
The National Park of Maiella was one of the `AGRUS` piloting project areas, promoted by LEGAMBIENTE in the context of European Community Initiative Adapt-Phase II

Contact person(s)

Name First name Phone E-mail Responsibility
Dionisio Giuseppe +39-0871-800713 Mainstreaming

Last update: 03-05-2002 dot Top


Via Cristoforo Colombo, 149
00147 ROMA


Responsibility in the DP:
Type of organisation:Other
Legal status:Private
Size:Staff < 10
Date of joining / leaving:27-08-2001 /

Text available in

Since July 15 2001, the `Italian Parks and Natural Reserves Federation` associates:
· 17 national parks,
· 69 regional parks,
· 9 land or marine natural reserves and, furthermore, 5 associations or agencies, 9 provinces, 1 university, which manage protected natural areas.

It took part in the IUCN (International Union For The Conservation Of Nature) and the European Community Association For Inhabited Parks.
It co-operates for the theoretical development, planning and implementation of large-scale system programmes and it helped agencies and associations to set up research centres concerning with the several most important topics of conservation. The Federation promotes and puts into effect studies and implementation of methodologies for the establishment of protected natural areas, as well as for the sustainable management of the most relevant and typical human activities in fragile areas. It also organises and take part in an action of Parks` involvement, through conventions, thematic training courses, publications, assessment of local and national planning tools with important consequences on the protection system;
It organises, coordinates and put into action activities in order to promote the `Italian`s Protected Natural Areas System` and the regional ones. In 1995 it edited the website `` and since 1990 it has been publishing (since 1997 for MAGGIOLI publishings) the quarterly review `PARKS`.
Specific activities in the training sector are:
· 2001 - participation in the establishment of the FORMAMBIENTE CONSORTIUM.
· 2001 - masters in `Parks Management`, within Emilia-Romagna Regional Initiative and funding Programme `Innovation In Public Regional And Local Administration`. (in evaluation). Co-operation with: Regional Park `Delta del Po`, Casentino`s Forests National Park, FORMAMBIENTE s.c.r.l.
Through a formal Agreement with PANGEA Institute:
1998-99 - training courses for Lazio Regional Parks Schools and on-site-working Staffs. Purchaser Institutions: Lazio Region Local Public Environmental Department and the Management Offices of the involved Parks.
1996-1997 - project `OBJECTIVE 21`. Up-dating and vocational training programme on technical and administrative management issues for protected natural areas. Life `95 programme.

Contact person(s)

Name First name Phone E-mail Responsibility
Fusilli Matteo +39-06-51604940 Mainstreaming

Last update: 03-05-2002 dot Top


Via Claudio Mori, 1


Responsibility in the DP:
Type of organisation:Other
Legal status:Private
Size:Staff < 10
Date of joining / leaving:27-08-2001 /

Text available in

INCOMING ABRUZZO is a consortium of hotelier associations founded for the planning, coordination and implementation of all private initiatives of tourist promotion in the territories of the greater plateaux and National Park of Abruzzo. The consortium associates about 80 members mostly belonging to local tour operators cooperative companies and associations.
in the sphere of its activity, the consortium has developed co-operations with managers of local ski lift facilities: Alto Sangro and Valleorsara Skipass Consortium, to coordinate the actions of all local area operators, lined-up with Regional Marketing Plan.
Beyond the cooperation with private institutions, INCOMING ABRUZZO established parallel relationships with L`Aquila Province in order to enhance the partnership and dialogue with the Local Administration. This Province and Abruzzo Region, as leader of consortia and hotelier associations, was involved in the management of the participation in a number of trade shows: GREEN&TOUR 97 at Parma, ECOTUR 97 at Lanciano, ECOTUR 98 at San Giovanni Teatino.
It had co-operated in the re-modulation of the 1998 Provincial Tourism Promotion Plan forwarded for regional co-funding. As leader of consortia and tour operators in L`Aquila Province, it was entrusted with the implementation of re-modulation of Regional Tourism Marketing Plan on a Provincial basis. The creation of this tool, partially co-funded by the operators themselves, foresaw close cooperation between the Province`s operators and tourist sector.
On the basis of these cooperation, it has been developed an involvement and sharing of activities both during the planning phase and during the implementation foreseen actions, so the 1999 Provincial Plan was written in cooperation with INCOMING ABRUZZO and with a number of associations and consortia of the provincial tourist operators, too.
Within the Provincial Tourist Marketing Plan context of collaboration thanks to the tour operators involved it was possible to gather more than 1,000 questionnaires directly from hotels, followed by an analysis of the data.
The consortium also developed the following projects:
a) `Booking Online`: dedicated software development for the online booking service management through Intranet and centralised bookings, accessible via Internet;
b) `Abruzzo Card`: electronic card using various types of services thanks to the TIRIS microchip and computerised distribution system of tourist expense;
c) `Cell Cam`: a mobile video cameras system positioned along ski tracks, with the possibility of Internet transmission.
d) `Innovatur` co-funded by Sviluppo Italia S.p.a.: project for promotion and sales support of tourist supply in Abruzzo, Molise and Basilicata relative to the theme of transhumance.

Contact person(s)

Name First name Phone E-mail Responsibility
Cipriani Massimo +39-0864-602122 Mainstreaming

Last update: 03-05-2002 dot Top


Via Salaria, 403
00199 ROMA


Responsibility in the DP:
Type of organisation:Other
Legal status:Private
Size:Staff 50-250
Date of joining / leaving:27-08-2001 /

Text available in

LEGAMBIENTE is the Italian most widespread environmentalist association. It has 1,000 local work-groups, 20 regional committees, over 110,000 members and supporters.
It carries out several information and awareness initiatives:
- since 1986 `GOLETTA VERDE` (the green schooner) reportered the health conditions of Italian seas,
- `TRENO VERDE` (green train) for ten years has been measuring smog and noise pollution in regional head cities;
- `PIATTO PULITO` (cleaned dish) informs consumers about possible existence of pesticides and ogm in foods,;
- `SALVALARTE` (save art) revealed and evaluate damages to cultural public property due to negligence and pollution;
- `MAL`ARIA` (bad air) distributes to citizens thousands of white sheets to be hanged outside their windows in order to get a measure of the atmospheric pollution.

LEGAMBIENTE organizes volunteer environmental initiatives able to involve hundreds of thousands people: `PULIAMO THE MONDO` (Let`s clean the world) in city-centres during each September, `NONTISCORDARDIMÉ-OPERAZIONE SCUOLE PULITE` (forget-me-not clean schools operation) and `CENTO STRADE PER GIOCARE` (100 roads for playing) involving children and young people, `SPIAGGE PULITE` (clean beaches) in May, thousands of working and study camps during holiday periods in the peninsula`s loveliest spots, `FESTAMBIENTE` (environment festival) in the MAREMMA PARK.
LEGAMBIENTE is committed for nature`s safeguard through:
· direct management of 40 protected areas;
· implementation, in co-operation with national and regional Parks, LIFE-NATURA project proposals;
· activities of environmental education centres;
· conception and planning of visitors centres.
Moreover it is committed for:
· development and qualification of hosting activities in Italian protected areas, through the creation of a PARKS` COMPANY within the EUROPEAN COMMUNITY ADAPT INITIATIVE; maintenance of local services through promotion activities such as `LIFE IN THE PARKS`;
· enhancing of traditional products and biodiversities through the implementation of an `ATLAS OF TYPICAL AND TRADITIONAL PRODUCTS OF THE PROTECTED AREAS NATIONAL SYSTEM`, in co-operation with National Public Department of Environment and the Slow Food Organisation;
· promotion of rural and local development within its participation in the European Community LEADER Programme, in Local Bilateral Agreements and in Literary Parks.
For the development of Protected Areas National System LEGAMBIENTE promoted the projects APE, ITACA and REN, and took part in IUCN, CIPRA, the Alps Protected Natural Areas Network and in the `Italian Parks and Natural Reserves Federation`.

Contact person(s)

Name First name Phone E-mail Responsibility
Ferrante Francesco +39-06-862681 Mainstreaming

Last update: 03-05-2002 dot Top



Warning! This section is not meant to be read directly, but rather be navigated through from the main page above.

Equal per APE, Compagnia dei Parchi


Text available in

Le caratteristiche socio-demografiche del territorio sono:
· lo spopolamento e l`esodo delle fasce più vitali della popolazione verso l`Italia e l`estero; · l`abbandono delle attività tradizionali e la mancata realizzazione, se non in poche aree, di nuove attività vitali; · la perdita di identità e la marginalità economica, sociale e culturale nei confronti di nuovi poli di sviluppo (ad esempio la costa adriatica); -· il parziale successo delle politiche per lo sviluppo dei decenni passati e del tentativo di applicare modelli di sviluppo tradizionali non calibrati alla realtà del territorio.
Per i comuni a più alta marginalità, l`istituzione di parchi e riserve rischia di definire `AREE PROTETTE DALLO SVILUPPO` laddove ci si limiterà a porre vincoli e freni alle attività produttive piuttosto che realizzare interventi di riqualificazione ambientale, di miglioramento infrastrutturale, d`incentivazione alla crescita economica e di formazione professionale che dovrebbero attenuare o risolvere il cronico stato di isolamento di tali comunità. Le caratteristiche di svantaggio e di discriminazione degli abitanti dell`area dalle opportunità offerte dal mercato del lavoro sono testimoniate da 25 anni di studi socio-economici. L`Italia del disagio insediativo: recente studio realizzato da Cresme nel 2000, descrive spopolamento e impoverimento di vaste aree pedemontane, montane e insulari. Lo studio identifica tre gruppi di comuni particolarmente svantaggiati definiti come: - I contesti deboli: caratterizzati da medio-elevato livello sul mare, basso reddito pro capite, tasso minimo di diplomati, bassissimo livello di occupazione, polverizzazione della produzione; - Il vecchio mondo antico: caratterizzato da aree collinari e montane, bassa densità demografica con popolazione anziana, famiglie piccole, bassa natalità, saldo demografico passivo, basso livello d`istruzione, struttura commerciale polverizzata, offerta turistica non sufficientemente sfruttata, basso livello di reddito; - Le sabbie (poco) mobili: caratteristiche simili al gruppo precedente anche se meno accentuate, il problema in questo caso è la difficoltà di ravvisare punti di forza di tali aree sulle quali far leva per rilanciare lo sviluppo.
L`analisi per comune indica in questo caso che il 60% dei comuni abruzzesi si trovano nelle tre classi caratterizzate da maggiore svantaggio relativo; più in particolare l`8% dei comuni è classificato nel gruppo a, il 28,5% nel gruppo b, e il 24% nel gruppo c. Proprio in questi ultimi due gruppi si trovano i comuni dell`area coperta dal progetto Equal. Alcune elaborazioni di dati Ancitel mostrano la situazione di svantaggio economico in cui versano le popolazioni residenti nelle aree parco. Si tratta dei seguenti indicatori di ricchezza economica:
· Depositi bancari per sportello: il valore medio dell`area si pone intorno ai 21 milioni per sportello, sensibilmente al di sotto della media regionale (31 milioni circa); · Imponibile IRPEF per contribuente: il valore medio per l`area risulta essere di 14 milioni circa contro i 21 della media regionale; · Ricchezza immobiliare privata per abitante: il valore medio dell`area sembra avvicinarsi esattamente alla media regionale (50 milioni circa).
Gli abitanti dell`area mostrano livelli di reddito del 30% circa inferiori a quelli del cittadino abruzzese medio; tali dati sembrano essere confermati da quelli sui depositi bancari. Unica ricchezza di questa popolazione sembra essere il patrimonio abitativo in funzione dell`elevato numero di abitazioni non occupate -oltre il 50% escludendo i grandi comuni- ed in qualche caso isolato, del valore assunto dagli immobili per motivi turistici. L`osservazione delle serie storiche della popolazione evidenzia, negli ultimi 50 anni, una riduzione dei residenti nell`area del 40% circa. Il fenomeno dello spopolamento si è verificato tuttavia con intensità dal dopoguerra agli anni `60, per diminuire negli anni `70, proseguendo fino ai nostri giorni.Tale fenomeno non è stato uniforme neanche dal punto di vista territoriale: i piccoli comuni montani non interessati dallo sviluppo turistico hanno sperimentato un ridimensionamento della popolazione nettamente superiore a quanto avvenuto nel resto della regione.
I saldi positivi del tasso di migrazione sono imputabili a quella che viene definita `migrazione di ritorno`. Questa circostanza induce due diverse riflessioni: - Se non accoppiata con saldi positivi di nati-mortalità la migrazione di ritorno genera un invecchiamento della popolazione; - Il flusso di immigrati di ritorno è destinato ad esaurirsi nel corso dei prossimi anni determinando a meno di nuovi motivi di attrazione un ulteriore spopolamento dell`area.
L`elevata montuosità di buona parte dei comuni dell`area ha ridotto le possibilità dello sviluppo di una agricoltura competitiva. La crescita registrata nella PLV in Abruzzo non ha interessato l`area dell`intervento. Qui l`agricoltura viene abbandonata o assume caratteri di marginalità. Ciò è testimoniato anche dall`aumento di superficie boscata e a prati-pascoli e da una drastica riduzione d`allevamento estensivo. Il 95% delle aziende dell`area risulta sotto i 10 ha, il che testimonia il ruolo marginale e complementare del settore nella produzione del reddito. La polverizzazione del sistema agricolo viene confermata dalla conduzione diretta delle aziende e dal relativo utilizzo di lavoro familiare. La lunga tradizione agricolo-pastorale dell`area ha dato vita a numerose produzioni tipiche; queste presentano tuttavia problemi di: riconoscibilità, valorizzazione, commercializzazione, impossibilità di realizzare produzioni sufficienti a eventuali aumenti della domanda. L`agriturismo, che grazie al grande valore ambientale dell`area potrebbe rappresentare una possibile fonte di reddito integrativo, non viene sfruttato in tutta la sua potenzialità per mancanza di una cultura dell`ospitalità e delle nuove capacità professionali richieste dal mercato. Anche il settore secondario mostra una forte dualità tra aree con grande tradizione artigianale ed industriale - i centri comprensoriali di pianura dell`Aquila, Sulmona, Avezzano, e le altre aree montane in cui il settore è pressoché assente. Il settore a maggiore diffusione è quello agroalimentare. Seguono i settori della chimica, della metalmeccanica, della gomma, e delle calzature. Per quanto riguarda la dimensione si rileva: la grande polverizzazione delle imprese e la presenza di poche aziende capital intensive.
La presenza di piccole imprese familiari favorisce il radicamento sul territorio e la qualità del prodotto ma comporta problemi di capitalizzazione, di competitività, di modesta forza di contrattazione, di scarsa programmazione, di basso profilo formativo del management. Inoltre tali aziende non producono effetti significativi nell`indotto industriale, anche se si può notare un certo ricorso al contoterzismo.
Il settore dell`artigianato mostra uno scarso ricambio generazionale anche per la mancanza di un processo di formazione professionale integrato con la realtà produttiva. Tra i settori più importanti si ricordano la ceramica, il rame, il ferro battuto, la pietra, il mobile, tessuti e merletti, e l`oreficeria. E` particolarmente avvertita la crisi del settore edilizio, molto importante per la diffusione del settore e per la dimensione media d`azienda. Sarebbe auspicabile un reindirizzo del settore verso attività di ripristino e miglioramento del patrimonio artistico ed abitativo esistente.
Il settore turistico si presenta in modo episodico e stagionale, concentrato presso alcune località che dispongono di attrezzature per il turismo neve; risultano sinora scarsamente utilizzate le enormi potenzialità offerte dal turismo verde e più in generale dai nuovi turismi interessati al contatto con la natura, alla qualità ambientale, al recupero delle tradizioni tipiche (dalla gastronomia all`artigianato). In questo senso, l`offerta è carente sia sotto l`aspetto culturale e delle professionalità che per la disponibilità di strutture ricettive e complementari idonee. La realtà delle attività commerciali appare frazionata in molti comparti con numerose piccole attività situate in comuni marginali con scarsi margini di guadagno e fatturato; mentre altre mostrano un forte legame con le attività turistiche, la grande distribuzione risulta in forte crescita nei centri comprensoriali senza tuttavia favorire la penetrazione commerciale dei produttori locali. In conclusione le caratteristiche socio demografiche salienti possono quindi essere sinteticamente espresse nel modo seguente:
Sotto il profilo demografico
· Bassa densità demografica 1/-3 di quella media regionale; · centri urbani di piccole e piccolissime dimensioni (sotto i 1000 abitanti) · persistente saldo migratorio negativo · elevati indici di invecchiamento · saldo naturale negativo
Sotto il profilo economico
· Tasso di attività inferiore di circa il 30% alla media regionale; · Tassi di disoccupazione superiori alla media regionale; · Forte pendolarismo; · Tasso di attività femminile pari al 40% della media regionale.
Sotto il profilo territoriale
· Basso livello di infrastrutturazione viaria e di servizi; · Elevata aliquota del patrimonio immobiliare, in larga parte anche di valore storico culturale, non occupato (oltre il 40%); -· Elevata disponibililtà di risorse ambientali favorevoli allo sviluppo del turismo verde.
In questa area si registrano tuttavia anche opportunità di sviluppo:
· progressivo innesco di attività legate alla gestione del parco e del patrimonio ambientale in genere; -· significativi episodi di nascita di nuove professioni e nuove attività; -· propensione dei giovani a rimanere per attivare iniziative imprenditoriali eco compatibili; -· successo delle Leggi Regionali sui piccoli incentivi per attività eco compatibili legate alla microricettività e all`artigianato tradizionale; -· progressiva diffusione del recupero del patrimonio edilizio.

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Obiettivo generale dell`intervento è quello di superare le discriminazioni alle quali è sottoposto il sistema produttivo delle aree parco sia dal lato dell`offerta che dal lato della domanda, creando le premesse perché la leva della formazione sia utilizzabile concretamente ed al massimo delle sue possibilità di incidere sulle problematiche di sviluppo sopra descritte.
In particolare il progetto si propone di rendere operativo il modello Compagnia dei Parchi (scaturito dal progetto ADAPT-AGRUS). Tale modello è caratterizzato dalla costituzione di una articolata rete di attori locali e nazionali ed è finalizzato al recupero e riutilizzo a fini turistici del patrimonio immobiliare pubblico e privato, evitando da un lato il suo ulteriore degrado, dall`altro il recupero speculativo o per `seconde case, ma favorendo l`uso turistico ad elevato valore aggiunto, cioè a rotazione d`uso e capace di offrire servizi accessori e complementari (B&B, piccola ristorazione, servizi per lo sport e ricreativi, servizi per la commercializzazione dei prodotti tipici, ecc.). Il modello si esplicita operativamente in Equal, attraverso una rete costituita da 1 Learning Center e un sistema di PIP.
E` innegabile, infatti, che un intervento formativo, ancorché mirato e innovativo, destinato a beneficiari correttamente identificati e selezionati, produce effetti nel breve (se finalizzato all`occupazione) o nel medio periodo (se finalizzato all`occupabilità).
La letteratura degli ultimi venti anni in campo formativo mostra che:
· i processi di delocalizzazione dell`offerta formativa, che hanno indotto l`attivazione di percorsi di valorizzazione (e talvolta di certificazione) di competenze acquisite in contesti informali e non formali, non si possono limitare, pena un deficit di funzionalità e di efficacia, all`azienda o all`attività sociale e associativa;
· così come il bisogno formativo nell`individuo si manifesta iterativamente e sempre più esplicitamente, l`offerta formativa appare ancora legata a esigenze e vincoli di standardizzazione, sia dal punto di vista della sequenza didattica che da quella dell`utilizzo di strumenti metodi e linguaggi;
· l`equilibrio tra apprendimento teorico e apprendimento pratico, da sempre concepiti come relazionabili e gerarchizzabili solo in questa sequenza, non è da ricercare sul piano quantitativo, ma sul piano della peculiarità degli stimoli all`apprendimento che i due contesti sono in grado di attivare a fronte degli stili cognitivi del destinatario;
· nella struttura della professionalità, a cambiare più rapidamente e più profondamente è la componente definita `competenza esperta`, ovvero i saperi e le conoscenze specifiche piuttosto che le abilità relazionali o cosiddette trasversali;
· i sistemi formativi istituzionalmente preposti, sono relativamente attrezzati per operazionalizzare e `trasformare` competenze in competenze professionali;
· la formazione intesa come pratica umana per eccellenza (McIntyre, Pellerey), nonostante la sua pervasività, necessita di mediazioni (strutture, risorse umane specializzate, apparati normativi, strumenti e `codici`) e che la frammentazione nella presenza di tali facilities, produce disorientamento e conseguentemente diseconomie nelle scelte, se non cadute della motivazione e rinunce.
Il dibattito è dunque sempre più orientato non tanto a dimostrare che i percorsi individuali sono più efficaci dal punto di vista dell`apprendimento (convinzione largamente diffusa e condivisa: a questo proposito piuttosto illuminante è il contributo degli scritti di Gardner, con particolare riferimento alla teoria dell`intelligenza multipla), quanto a individuare le condizioni operative (norme, risorse, intelligenze) per rendere applicabile, sostenibile e ed efficiente l`adozione di quest`approccio.
Declinando più in profondità l`obiettivo generale sopra esplicitato, il progetto intende sperimentare in un contesto particolarmente ricco di complessità come il territorio dei parchi una soluzione organizzativa in grado:
· da un lato di garantire i dovuti margini di flessibilità (sia in termini di aggiornabilità dei contenuti formativi, sia in termini di adattabilità e adeguatezza dei metodi e dei linguaggi formativi ed educativi), irrinunciabili in un approccio di apprendimento individualizzato;
· dall`altro di erogare servizi a soggetti che siano portatori, consapevoli o meno, di bisogni formativi, informativi e di orientamento o di istanze relative non solo allo sviluppo personale ma anche a quello economico locale.
Una volta concordato l`obiettivo generale sopra descritto, il partenariato ha iniziato una riflessione sulla fisionomia della soluzione da proporre.
Una struttura attrezzata per erogare servizi alle persone deve innanzitutto definire quali sono le tipologie di `clienti` che intende raggiungere: in altri termini, la corretta ed esaustiva definizione del beneficiario, consente la predisposizione di condizioni operative più efficienti ed efficaci.
A questa domanda la risposta è che i beneficiari sono potenzialmente e a pari titolo:
· gli abitanti nei comuni compresi nel territorio dei Parchi;
· i lavoratori che prestano direttamente o indirettamente la propria attività nella gestione dell`area protetta;
· gli imprenditori e i dipendenti delle imprese attive nei territori considerati.
Sono questi i soggetti, infatti, che meno di altri riescono a sfruttare quello che potrebbe essere definito il vantaggio competitivo di risiedere in un`area `protetta`, ma che non riesce ad essere sfruttato adeguatamente, creando quelle che consideriamo le condizioni di disagio e discriminazione.
Esiste, inoltre, una seconda serie di tipologie di beneficiari potenziali, riconducibile essenzialmente a:
· i visitatori.
· responsabili della pianificazione dello sviluppo locale e delle politiche dell`istruzione e della formazione professionale e superiore;
· allievi e studenti che debbono o vogliono integrare i propri percorsi di formazione iniziale;
· ricercatori, docenti animatori culturali ed esperti le cui discipline o interessi professionali sono direttamente collegabili con le caratteristiche socio-culturali, ma anche economiche, delle aree protette;
· imprenditori o investors esterni, interessati a verificare l`opportunità di intervenire nelle aree e nei settori riconducibili al territorio e alle attività del Parco.
In questo caso, si tratta più che di beneficiari, di potenziali clienti delle opportunità offerte. In realtà, offrire servizi a questi soggetti induce senz`altro effetti positivi sulla soluzione del problema di discriminazione. Infatti, interventi articolati su tali soggetti producono visibilità, credibilità, motivazione e sono potenzialmente in grado di stimolare investimenti anche economici.
La conciliazione tra i bisogni diversi di queste otto macrotipologie (nei contenuti, nei temi, nelle modalità di apprendimento, nella capacità di risposta agli stimoli, negli obiettivi didattici e nelle forme di valutazione e certificazione, per citare alcuni ambiti di differenza) può avvenire solo in termini di flessibilità dell`offerta di supporto.
Ma una risposta in termini di frammentazione dell`offerta in funzione della sua massima rispondenza al bisogno specifico, ha prodotto e produce un effetto perverso: quello della perdita di visibilità e della riduzione dell`accessibilità all`opportunità offerta.
In altri termini, la mediazione tra il bisogno formativo, informativo o di orientamento e consulenza e la sua risposta avviene troppo spesso in luoghi e tempi che la rendono inefficiente e inefficace.
Nello stesso Memorandum sulla formazione permanente si fa riferimento al bisogno di adottare un approccio olistico, evidenziando che l`efficienza e l`efficacia ricercate aumentano laddove sia possibile strutturare un`offerta integrata e completa all`interno della stessa struttura.
Il progetto intende costituire e sperimentare una rete che sappia collegare una struttura operante come `Learning Center` (in qualità di nodo centrale e `catalizzatore` del network) con il territorio attraverso gli attori socio economici operativi nelle aree territoriali sulle quali insiste la proposta progettuale. I profili professionali operativi nel LC sono riconducibili all`area della formazione e della consulenza orientativa, integrati da altre figure laddove il LC sarà chiamato a svolgere interventi specifici. Il L.C. costituirà, inoltre, il nodo centrale di riferimento di una rete dei soggetti e degli attori della vita socio-economica operativi e attivi sul territorio dei Parchi e delle Aree Protette. Nel LC tali soggetti potranno cogliere l`opportunità di acquisire competenze professionali e strumenti operativi per attivare iniziative di promozione del patrimonio (edilizio, turistico, ambientale) all`interno e all`esterno del territorio regionale in maniera diffusa ma organizzata in rete.

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Rispetto ai Processi, la dimensione innovativa del progetto risiede essenzialmente su due macro-opzioni esercitate:
· la prima, di carattere organizzativo-gestionale, consistente nella concezione di un intervento connotato di un elevato livello di integrazione tra diversi soggetti nelle fasi elaborative, attuative e valutative.
· la seconda, nella architettura e nella logica non sequenziale adottata per progettare le attività del Learning Center (flessibilità organizzativa centrata sulla domanda del `Cliente`). In questo caso lo svolgimento in parallelo di attività volte alla soluzione di problemi logistici e strutturali, di azioni di formazione degli operatori, di azioni rivolte alla realizzazione di materiali didattici e informativi, inserisce elementi di complessità gestionale, ma consente la realizzazione di economie di scala nell`utilizzo delle risorse (economiche e temporali) a disposizione del progetto.
Rispetto al contesto, l`innovazione prefigurata è definibile come `di rottura`. In effetti, come emerso nella descrizione delle aree sulle quali insiste l`iniziativa, queste sono caratterizzate da una scarsa capacità nell`offrire servizi formativi, informativi e di consulenza alla popolazione locale, in modo accessibile e visibile, per di più finalizzati ad un modello concreto di sviluppo del territorio, così come prospettato da Compagnia dei Parchi.
Il Learning Center, di per sé, è una struttura le cui caratteristiche sono note e relativamente sperimentate ma in contesto aziendale. Nonostante sia unanimemente condivisa l`affermazione che il Parco rappresenta un luogo dove sensibilità e competenze di tipo educativo e culturale sono sviluppabili inerzialmente, la creazione di un contesto organizzato, visibile, dedicato esplicitamente, sottoposto a controlli e verifiche della qualità dei servizi erogati e vincolato ad una logica di sviluppo integrato locale, rappresenta un salto logico di notevole portata. Si tratta, in effetti, di una azione di delocalizzazione dell`offerta formativa verso un ambiente caratterizzato da un livello basso di formalità.
Appare del tutto evidente che tali argomentazioni sono utili a dimostrare che anche in termini di obiettivi la proposta si configura come estremamente innovativa. Da questo punto di vista, però, occorre aggiungere che esiste una sostanziale differenza tra azioni formative rivolte a particolari tipologie di utenti e costruite sulla base di path formativi prefissati (meno innovativi ma non per questo meno efficaci) e gli obiettivi di questo progetto che propone un modello che prevede:
· la sperimentazione di forme di alternanza tra autoistruzione e tirocinio;
· la sperimentazione dell`uso della formazione come leva di sviluppo locale (e non solo di personal development o della singola azienda/organizzazione produttiva);
- lo sviluppo di basi e strumenti per l`adozione consapevole di scelte, in un contesto di continua assistenza e capace di fornire stimoli di rinforzo o rimotivazione.

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Agreement Summary

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Tutti i componenti della PS hanno individuato in CARSA SPA il soggetto referente del progetto attribuendole, contestualmente, la responsabilità di indirizzo e gestione della PS stessa. In qualità di soggetto referente Carsa è individuate inoltre come unico interlocutore dell`Amministrazione e percettore dei contributi e sarà tenuto alla gestione e presentazione dei rendiconti periodici con accentramento della procedura presso la propria sede.
La PS ha stabilito inoltre che tutti i componenti si atterranno alle disposizioni previste dalle normative comunitarie, per quanto concerne la loro organizzazione contabile ed amministrativa, di rispettare le disposizioni date loro dal Soggetto Referente, circa la tempistica realizzativa del progetto, e di attenersi alle istruzioni impartite loro dal Soggetto Referente per la predisposizione dei documenti che faranno parte dei rendiconti periodici.
L`efficacia della gestione amministrativa e finanziaria del progetto è garantita dall`esperienza maturata da Carsa Spa nella gestione di fondi pubblici, così come ampiamente descritto al punto del formulario; al medesimo punto si rimanda per l`illustrazione delle modalità organizzative che si intendono adottare che, in ogni caso, saranno sviluppate per garantire che tutti componenti la PS possano partecipare a pieno titolo al processo decisionale.
Nell`ambito dell`organizzazione di massima sopra descritta, sono state definite le seguenti responsabilità:
· CARSA si occuperà di coordinamento e gestione del progetto, di parte dell`attività di ricerca, di parte dell`attività di realizzazione delle UFC (Unità di Formazione Capitalizzabili), dell`attività di organizzazione ed erogazione della formazione, della organizzazione e gestione del Learning Center, di parte dell`attività di disseminazione e mainstreaming, della realizzazione del sito internet.
· CRESME si occuperà della parte dell`attività di ricerca attinente al settore edile, e parteciperà all`attività di mainstreaming.
· La FEDERPARCHI coordinerà e gestirà l`attività transnazionale e parteciperà all`attività di mainstreaming.
· LEGAMBIENTE si occuperà della parte di ricerca attinente il settore ambientale, del coordinamento e della realizzazione dell`attività di disseminazione e di mainstreaming.
· Il PARCO NAZIONALE DEL GRAN SASSO E MONTI DELLA LAGA si occuperà della organizzazione e gestione di tre PIP (Punti Informativi Periferici) e parteciperà all`attività di mainstreaming.
· Il PARCO NAZIONALE DELLA MAIELLA si occuperà della organizzazione e gestione di due PIP e parteciperà all`attività di mainstreaming.
· Il PARCO REGIONALE SIRENTE VELINO si occuperà della organizzazione e gestione di un PIP e parteciperà inoltre all`attività di mainstreaming.
· INCOMING ABRUZZO si occuperà della organizzazione e gestione di tre PIP parteciperà inoltre all`attività di mainstreaming.
· Il Comune di Pettorano sul Gizio si occuperà della organizzazione e gestione di tre PIP parteciperà inoltre all`attività di mainstreaming.
· Il Comune di Morino. si occuperà della organizzazione e gestione di tre PIP parteciperà inoltre all`attività di mainstreaming.
Tutti i componenti la PS, consapevoli dell`importanza strategica del networking nell`iniziativa Equal, sono disponibili a condividere, diffondere e pubblicizzare -a livello nazionale e transnazionale- i risultati, le metodologie e gli strumenti che verranno sviluppati nel corso delle attività progettuali.

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 With beneficiaries

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Abbiamo già evidenziato che i beneficiari sono distinguibili in due categorie principali.
Alla prima tipologia appartengono, prevalentemente, soggetti occupati e lavoratori autonomi o soci-lavorartori di cooperative, che scontano in termini di sotto-occupazione o precarietà (contrattuale, stagionalità, terzismo), di reddito da lavoro e di professionalità a sviluppo bloccato la residenza in queste aree.
Il loro coinvolgimento passa attraverso l`attivazione di relazioni formali (Camere di commercio, contatti con le Aziende, dialogo continuo con le Parti sociali datoriali e sindacali) e la pubblicizzazione dell`iniziativa e delle opportunità ad essa collegate utilizzando canali informativi quali radio e televisioni locali, circuito delle associazioni e dei circoli culturali e ricreativi, advertising su stampa locale.
Alla seconda tipologia appartengono soggetti che si collocano in modo più articolato sul mercato del lavoro.
I visitatori delle aree protette saranno indirizzati verso il servizio attraverso segnaletica e documentazione promozionale che sarà distribuita presso le sezioni che si occupano di promozione del turismo e presso le strutture ricettive alberghiere. Il loro coinvolgimento sarà testimoniato da questionari di `client satisfaction`, e dall`attivazione di caselle e bacheche per i suggerimenti per migliorare la qualità dei servizi offerti.
Gli allievi e studenti che debbono o vogliono integrare i propri percorsi di formazione iniziale saranno reclutati grazie ad accordi con le agenzie formative operative sul territorio regionale e con gli istituti scolastici;
I ricercatori, docenti, animatori culturali ed esperti, le cui discipline o interessi professionali sono direttamente collegabili con le caratteristiche socio-culturali, ma anche economiche, delle aree protette, saranno reclutati e coinvolti attivamente nelle fasi di predisposizione delle ricerche e delle analisi di sfondo e nella preparazione dei materiali prototipali. La conoscenza degli ambiti di interesse specialistico e del `linguaggio` corretto per la veicolazione dei contenuti elaborati è preziosa per garantire l`efficacia della parte formativa dell`intervento. I canali che saranno attivati sono quelli della stampa specializzata e delle reti universitarie e accademiche.
Per quanto riguarda gli imprenditori o investors esterni, interessati a verificare l`opportunità di intervenire nelle aree e nei settori riconducibili al territorio e alle attività del Parco, il coinvolgimento avverrà attraverso l`elaborazione, anche in sede di predisposizione dei materiali informativi e dei sussidi didattici, di strumenti comunicativi (cataloghi, mappe, archivi tematici) e la relativa distribuzione attraverso i canali dei diversi settori ai quali tali soggetti sono riferibili (principalmente turismo e edilizia).

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 Between national partners

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Qualsiasi intervento teso a favorire lo sviluppo socio-economico di comunità o aree definite implica la massima cooperazione e corresponsabilizzazione dei soggetti che dovranno attuarlo. In questo modo, la competenza e il contributo individuale diventano patrimonio comune e solo in questo modo fungono da moltiplicatori dello sforzo, dell`investimento e dell`impatto.
La relazione paritaria, ovvero l`assenza di relazioni gerarchiche se non in termini di naturale risposta al bisogno di un coordinamento funzionale, non potrà non riguardare anche i partner locali che verranno di volta in volta coinvolti, e quelli transnazionali.

La necessità di un coordinamento si manifesta rispetto:

· all`ottemperanza di una serie di procedure formali, riguardanti la fase di gestione amministrativa delle risorse, le relazioni con l`autorità di gestione (Ministero del Lavoro) e con l`Organismo intermedio (la Regione Abruzzo). Rispetto a questa funzione si prevede di costituire un Comitato di gestione presieduto da Carsa Spa., all`interno del quale siano rappresentati con potere consultivo Legambiente, Federazione Nazionale dei parchi, Cresme e Incoming Abruzzo, i Parchi e le Riserve;
· al mantenimento di un adesione sostanziale al modello di servizio e di contenuti del medesimo condivisi in fase di progettazione.
· al bisogno di assicurare efficienza nella comunicazione interna;
· alla necessità di garantire uniformità nei messaggi verso l``esterno`;
· alle azioni di mainstreaming;
· alle funzioni di monitoraggio e valutazione interni.

I referenti del progetto si riuniranno con periodicità trimestrale e su ordini del giorno stabiliti comunemente. Le riunioni saranno preparate da dossier informativi che verranno distribuiti telematicamente in anticipo. Tali dossier saranno invariabilmente strutturati secondo una griglia che prevede una parte introduttiva descrittiva (il cui obiettivo è quello di mantenere aggiornato il partenariato sulle azioni svolte), una parte di introduzione ai temi da trattare, in forma problematica, e una parte dedicata ad opzioni possibili.
Le decisioni riguardanti aspetti gestionali-organizzativi saranno assunte seguendo le indicazioni dei partner mentre sugli aspetti più propriamente metodologici e contenutistici sarà coinvolto, attraverso propri rappresentanti, ogni organismo coinvolto nell`iniziativa, indipendentemente da dimensione e ruolo operativo. Quest`ultima opzione dovrebbe garantire un mainstreaming agevolato dal livello di condivisione ex ante e in itinere delle decisioni assunte.

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