DP Search

Search Results: 7 records found, page 1 of 1

Title Theme Year DP Id.
Managing Diversity (EP Nr. 4-11/25 lt. Vertrag) 3E 2002 AT-4-11/25
Bildungspartnerschaft Vorarlberg 3E 2002 AT-4-13/08
Bildungswegweiser 3E 2002 AT-4-16/41
IN.BEWEGUNG - Netzwerk Basisbildung und Alphabetisierung in Oesterreich 3E 2005 AT-4A-08/292
learn forever. Lebensbegleitendes Lernen im Zeitalter der Informat 3E 2005 AT-4A-08/326
G-P-S/Generationen.Potenziale.Stärken 3E 2005 AT-4B-08/304
ADVOCATE 3E 2005 AT-4B-16/235


Result page(s): 1


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DP Linguistic skills must be: Transnational co-operation geographical preferences must be:
Beneficiaries (assistance to persons) must be: ( between conditions)
Beneficiaries (assistance to systems and accompaying measures) must be: ( between conditions)
Transnational co-operation intended or searched must be:


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