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Macro structural bottlenecks to growth in EU Member States

Author(s): European Commission

Macro structural bottlenecks to growth in EU Member Statespdf(2 MB) Choose translations of the previous link 

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Report collecting Commission country fiches that identify national bottlenecks for growth.

(European Economy. Occasional Papers 65. July 2010. Brussels. Internet only. 137pp. Tab. Graph. Ann. Bibliogr. Free.)

KC-AH-10-065-EN-C (online)
ISBN 978-92-79-15078-4 (online)
ISSN 1725-3195 (online)
doi: 10.2765/64542 (online)

Occasional Papers are written by the staff of the Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs, or by experts working in association with them. The Papers are intended to increase awareness of the technical work being done by staff and cover a wide spectrum of subjects. Views expressed in unofficial documents do not necessarily reflect the official views of the European Commission.

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