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Registration and welcome breakfast
BEF Breakfast Debate - Understanding the economic roots of the populist backlash [Article]

Moderator: John Rega (POLITICO)

Panel discussion with:
Manuel Muñiz (Dean of IE School of Global and Public Affairs and Rafael del Pino Professor of Practice of Global Transformation)
Máriam Martínez-Bascuñán (Opinion editor, El País)
Sarah Durieux (Executive Director France,

Questions from the audience and social media

Welcome remarks [Full video]

Marco Buti, (Director General, DG ECFIN, European Commission)

8th Annual Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Lecture: ‘The Future of Work in Europe’ [Article]

A lecture to honour the memory of one of the founding fathers of the euro, a former finance minister and director general of the European Commission. The lecture provides an opportunity for leading economists and policy-makers to provide a personal and in-depth reflection on the current economic policy debates and upcoming challenges facing the European economy.

Sir Christopher Pissarides (Professor of Economics and Political Science, London School of Economics, Nobel Laureate in Economic Sciences) [Speech]

´Broader Horizons´ – a ´TED-Style´ Talk [Article]

An opportunity for a more informal and conversational look at innovative ideas and fresh thinking from speakers offering a different perspective, to inspire us to think beyond conventional boundaries and explore new solutions to the challenges facing Europe.

Stefanie Stantcheva (Professor of Economics, Harvard University)

Coffee break
A new global order: inward or outward looking? [Article]

How can the EU shape globalisation and lead the way in building a more inclusive global order? What caused the breakdown of some citizens’ trust in open societies and globalisation? Do we need new rules of the game to deliver the benefits of globalisation and international trade more equally, protect people and revert the populist backlash? How can we respond to the protectionist drift? Should we revamp the multilateral system to ensure that everybody plays by the same rules? Between disengagement from multilateralism and the emergence of new economic world powers, what role for Europe and the euro in a multipolar/multicurrency system?

Moderator: Sasha Vakulina (Euronews)

Panel discussion with:

Marco Buti, (Director General, DG ECFIN, European Commission)
Arancha González (Executive Director, International Trade Centre)
Hanneke Faber (President Food & Refreshment, Unilever)
Helena Norberg-Hodge (Founder and Director, Local Futures and The International Alliance for Localization)

Questions from the audience and social media

A new social contract for Europe? [Article]

Do we need a new social contract to respond to digitalisation, globalisation and ageing societies? How can we make sure that all in our societies reap the benefits of digitalisation, at a time when inequality is becoming a very real concern? Are our redistributive and social protection tools fit to face the changing labour market situation? How can we tackle the polarisation of labour markets, underemployment and precarious employment? How should inter-generational solidarity evolve as societies age? What role can social impact investing and the third sector play in a new social contract? Will re-skilling be enough to cope with the changes in the labour market paradigm?

Moderator: Maithreyi Seetharaman (Fortune)

#EUBEF19 debate on the motion "Will a basic income help to make the benefits of globalisation reach all?" [Article]
Speaking for: Guy Standing (Professorial Research Associate at SOAS University of London and a founder member and honorary co-president of the Basic Income Earth Network )
Speaking against: Hilmar Schneider (Professor & Chief Executive Officer at Institute of Labor Economics - IZA)

Panel discussion with
Pierre Moscovici (Commissioner, European Commission)
Deirdre Mortell (CEO, Social Innovation Fund Ireland)
Christophe Catoir (CEO FRANCE – Head of Northern Europe, The Adecco Group)
Luca Visentini (General Secretary, European Trade Union Confederation)

Questions from the audience and social media

Coffee break
A new kind of growth for Europe? [Article]

Can we address the urgent climate change challenges with the current growth model? What economic policies are needed for Europe to become climate neutral and prosperous while increasing fairness? Do we need a Green New Deal in Europe? Is it realistic to pursue an overall economic objective other than growth? Should we shift our focus to measures of well-being that go beyond GDP growth? How can we meet environmental and social concerns without playing them against each other? How can we share evenly the cost of fighting climate change?

Moderator: Maria Tadeo (Bloomberg)

Panel discussion with:
Valdis Dombrovskis (Vice-President, European Commission)
Nadia Calviño (Minister of Economy and Business, Spain)
Gita Gopinath (Chief Economist, International Monetary Fund)
Riccardo Illy (Chairman, Gruppo Illy)
Tim Jackson (Professor, University of Surrey)

Questions from the audience and social media

Networking cocktail