Human Resources and Security

Additional tools

CommisSign-2 CommisSign-2 Certification Authority (CA)

CommisSign-2 is the new certificate authority of the Commission, it has started its operation on December 6th 2016.

CommisSign-1, the previous certificate authority of the Commission was phased out.

The CommisSign-2 web site allows external partners of the European Commission to install the root and intermediate certificate of CommisSign-2 and CommisSign on their PCs and thus validate the certificates issued by these Certification Authorities to Commission officials.

In order to use the root certificate you should first view our Certificate Practice Statement (CPS).

In order to install the CommisSign-2 root certificate, please download it from the link below. Please note that not all formats are understood by all browsers. Generally, the X.509 formats are more widely used.
Root Certificate X.509 Encoded Binary

In order to install the CommisSign-2 intermediate certificate, please download it from the link below. Please note that not all formats are understood by all browsers. Generally, the X.509 formats are more widely used.
Intermediate certificate X.509 Encoded Binary

In order to verify certificates issued from SPS you should also download our Certificate Revocation List (CRL), which is regularly updated.
CommisSign-2 Certificate Revocation List (CRL)

CommisSign-1 (phased out)

CPS CommmisSign
Root Certificate X.509 Encoded Binary
Intermediate X.509 Encoded Binary
CommisSign Certificate Revocation List (CRL)

Commissign-1 was phased out.