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Competition Policy

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- The ISEF & COMP Cases Teams


Policy Area Case Number Member
Decision Date
Antitrust AT.35141 20.03.2001 United Parcel Service / Deutsche Post AG
Antitrust AT.37752 European Parcels Group
Cartel AT.39462 28.03.2012 Freight Forwarding
State Aid SA.101104 Netherlands NL_BZK_CSDO_NB Aid scheme transition animal livestock holdings paragraph 7 parcel exchange LVV
State Aid SA.104544 Germany 14.12.2022 Hessen — Integration of naturally accented structured elements of the land parcels
State Aid SA.12377 Italy 05.06.2001 Aids for land reparcelling
State Aid SA.13531 Italy 06.06.2002 Regulation for the granting of aids for land reparcelling through exchange or purchase of plots (Lombardia)
State Aid SA.16864 France 11.02.2004 Aides du Conseil Général de la Creuse : remise en culture de parcelles boisées suite à la tempête de décembre 1999
State Aid SA.18226 Italy 27.04.2005 Subsidized loans for land reparcelling (Marche)
State Aid SA.18861 France 25.04.2005 Aide à la remise en culture de parcelles boisées
State Aid SA.22971 Belgium 12.07.2007 Prolongation de la mesure groenvironmentale relative aux bordures de parcelles (Flandre)
State Aid SA.23241 Netherlands Reparcelling
State Aid SA.25868 Spain Ayudas por las pérdidas y los daños ocasionados en las parcelas de viñedo, causados por la plaga de topillo campesino (Microtus arvalis) en Castilla y León
State Aid SA.25910 Cyprus Aides au remembrement
State Aid SA.31574 Netherlands Provincial subsidy regulations (description aid: the infrastructure for the development / adaptation of agriculture, subject improvement parcelling and infrastructure)
State Aid SA.32979 Germany Support for integrated rural development (administrative costs for reparcelling)
State Aid SA.36508 France Aides visant à indemniser les agriculteurs pour le préjudice subi du fait d''arrachages obligatoires de parcelles de vignes contaminées par la flavescence dorée, dans le cadre de la lutte obligatoire contre cet organisme nuisible à la santé des végét
State Aid SA.36947 Netherlands Parcel exchange and improvement of agricultural structure
State Aid SA.37042 Italy Prévention et éradication de maladies végétales et infestations parasitaires. Programme d'aides pour l'arrachage de parcelles de plantes à kiwis
State Aid SA.37555 Netherlands Aid measure parcel exchange 2013 /2015
State Aid SA.40559 Netherlands 1.1 Legal land reparceling and land reparcelling by agreement (DG AGRI)
State Aid SA.40892 Germany 02.06.2015 Hessen -Integration of naturally accented structural elements of the land parcels
State Aid SA.41990 Netherlands Subsidy scheme parcel exchange Fryslân 2015
State Aid SA.43867 Netherlands NL_BZK_CSDO Aid scheme paragrapf 9.5 Parcel exchange
State Aid SA.47333 Netherlands NL_BZK_CSDO_FR Opening decision 1 Februari 2017 t/m 30 juni 2017 aid scheme land parcel exchange Fryslân 2015.
State Aid SA.47895 Netherlands NL_BZK_CSDO_NH Implementing subsidy scheme farm relocation and parcel exchange Nature network North-Holland 2017.
State Aid SA.49117 Netherlands NL_BZK_CSDO_FR Opening decision 1 october - 31 december 2017 Aid scheme parcel exchange Fryslân 2015
State Aid SA.49123 Netherlands NL_BZK_CSDO Aid scheme Parcel exchange for landscape with quality DG AGRI
State Aid SA.50673 Netherlands NL_BZK_CSDO_FR Scheme modifying subsidy scheme parcel exchange Fryslân 2015
State Aid SA.54957 Denmark Aid for the reparcelling of agricultural land
State Aid SA.55585 Germany 13.01.2020 Hessen - Integration of naturally accented structured elements of the land parcels
State Aid SA.55686 Czechia 23.06.2020 Czech post USO complaint from competitor parcel business
State Aid SA.8509 Germany 19.06.2002 CR61/99 - Aid to business parcel activities of Deutsche Post AG
