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Competition Policy

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- The ISEF & COMP Cases Teams


Policy Area Case Number Member
Decision Date
Cartel AT.29629 14.12.1982 LAMINES ET ALLIAGES DE ZINC
Antitrust AT.30566 20.07.1999 UIP
Cartel AT.32450 30.04.2004 CEWAL & autres Conférences africaines (MEWAC, COWAC UKWAL)Se
Cartel AT.34018 16.05.2000 FETTSCA (Far East Trade Tariff and Surcharges Agreement)
Antitrust AT.34250 30.04.1999 EATA (Europe Asia Trades Agreement)
Cartel AT.34466 09.12.1998 Greek Ferries
Antitrust AT.34493 20.04.2001 DSD
Antitrust AT.34780 14.07.1999 VIRGIN/BRITISH AIRWAYS
Antitrust AT.34950 15.06.2001 ECO EMBALLAGES
Antitrust AT.35202 Dampskibsselskabet Öresund + SweFerry
Antitrust AT.35488 HansaFerry
Antitrust AT.35587 30.10.2002 Video games
Antitrust AT.35614 Southern Africa Europe Container Service (SAECS III)
Antitrust AT.35706 30.10.2002 PO / Nintendo distribution
Antitrust AT.35754 Consortium East Africa Container Service (EACS)
Antitrust AT.35762 Joint Mediterranean Canada Service
Antitrust AT.35763 NCS Consortium
Antitrust AT.35767 10.02.1999 PO / redevances d'atterrissage en Finlande (Ilmailulaitos Luftfartsverket)
Antitrust AT.35770 Joint Operational Service Agreement (JOS)
Antitrust AT.35774 West Coast / Mediterranean Agreement
Antitrust AT.35803 IPEX Consortium
Antitrust AT.35808 MEDSAP Consortium
Antitrust AT.35812 G & C Consortium Agreement
Cartel AT.35814 21.01.1998 Extra d'alliage
Cartel AT.35860 08.12.1999 Seamless steel tubes
Cartel AT.36072 GFU - Norwegian Gas Negotiation Committee
Antitrust AT.36076 28.10.2002 PO/United Airlines+Lufthansa. ART.85
Antitrust AT.36078 28.10.2002 PO/United Air Lines+SAS. ART.85
Antitrust AT.36111 28.10.2002 PO/KLM+Northwest (Art. 85)
Antitrust AT.36201 28.10.2002 PO / Lufthansa + SAS + United (art 85)
Cartel AT.36212 23.06.2010 Carbonless paper (CLP)
Antitrust AT.36213 14.09.1999 Pratt &Whitney+General Electric Aircraft+2
Antitrust AT.36237 03.03.1999 TPS + 7
Antitrust AT.36253 26.01.1999 P&O Stena Line
Antitrust AT.36264 10.10.2001 PO / Mercedes-Benz
Antitrust AT.36282 VSA Notification
Antitrust AT.36319 Eurosal III Consortium
Antitrust AT.36321 30.10.2002 Omega/Nintendo+1
Antitrust AT.36456 29.06.2000 "new" Inntrepreneur standard pub leases
Cartel AT.36490 18.07.2001 Graphite electrodes/PO
Antitrust AT.36533 17.05.2001 Yves Saint Laurent
Antitrust AT.36568 23.07.2004 Scandlines Sverige v. Port of Helsingborg
Antitrust AT.36581 27.07.1999 Télécom Developpement+4
Antitrust AT.36592 20.05.1999 CEGETEL+4
Cartel AT.36604 05.12.2001 Citric acid
Antitrust AT.36623 05.10.2005 SEP et autres / Automobiles Peugeot SA
Cartel AT.36700 24.07.2002 PO/industrial and medical gases
Antitrust AT.36751 12.02.2004 Alenia/Eurocontrol
Antitrust AT.36776 GTR/FIA et autres+5
