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Taxation and Customs Union

Commisioner Šemeta about the tax challenges and opportunities in an ever-closer Union


Brussels, 27 April, 2012.  Commissioner Algirdas Šemeta delivered a keynote speech in the  CEPS-ETFP Tax Conference 2012 on the tax challenges and opportunities in an ever-closer Union. In his speech Commissioner addressed the role of the tax policy in the reinforced economic governance framework, presented the priorities for Member States' structural reforms in order to ensure that tax policy contributes to recovery and highlighted the importance of the EU tax coordination.

Commissioner said: "The crisis has changed attitudes to how we approach taxation within the EU. Gone are the days when Member States can "go it alone", implementing tax policies in isolation without a thought to what their neighbours are doing.

Heads of State and government have called for stronger coordination through enhanced dialogue on taxation at EU level, putting special emphasis on improving the efficiency of tax collection and tackling tax evasion. Taxation is now repeatedly highlighted as a fundamental component in our recovery efforts.

Most Member States are committed to progressing and to using all the tools available to deliver – and rightly so. They can count on the active support and involvement of the Commission in this endeavour."


Corporate Taxation: Commissioner Šemeta responds to the European Parliament Vote


"I welcome the Parliament's very strong support for this proposal which will save EU businesses billions of euros and help attract more foreign investors into Europe."

"In offering businesses the option of a simpler, common set of rules for calculating their tax base, the CCCTB will improve our corporate environment and encourage enterprise, innovation, investment and growth. It reflects the spirit of the Single Market and is also an essential element in our growth agenda for Europe. "

To read full statement, click on the link MEMO/12/263


Energy Taxation: Commissioner Šemeta responds to the European Parliament Vote


"I appreciate the European Parliament's support today for more coherent taxation of energy products based on their CO2 and energy content.

However, I regret that the Parliament could not fully support the proposal which it has been seeking for years. The rejection of the alignment of motor fuel taxation is particularly disappointing."

"The impact on diesel prices has been overstated. Already today a majority of Member States tax diesel at rates higher than the minima set out in our proposal. National governments will maintain flexibility in how they structure their energy taxes, and options exist to prevent a rise in diesel prices if this is what they want to achieve."


Combatting tax fraud and tax evasion: Commissioner Šemeta addresses EP


Strasbourg, 18 April 2012. Speaking at the European Parliament Plenary debate on the fight against tax fraud and tax evasion today, Commissioner for Taxation, Algirdas Šemeta said:

In these difficult times we must ensure that taxes are efficiently and fairly collected. We cannot ask citizens to accept the burden of increased taxes and cuts in public services if we do not do our utmost to clamp down on activities and practices that robs Member States of legitimate income.


Commission to examine tax measures for cross-border workers


Brussels , 02 April 2012 - Member States' tax provisions are to be scrutinised to ensure that they do not discriminate against cross-border workers, in a targeted initiative launched by the Commission. It is estimated that more than 1.2 million people work cross-border in the EU. Gross wages paid to cross-border and seasonal workers in 2010 amounted to €46.9 billion. Worker mobility has been identified as one of the key potentials for increasing growth and employment in Europe. However, tax obstacles remain one of the key deterrents to citizens looking for work in another Member State.

Algirdas Šemeta, Commissioner for Taxation, Customs, Anti-Fraud and Audit, said: "EU rules are clear: all EU citizens must be treated equally within the Single Market. There cannot be discrimination, and workers' right to free movement must not be impaired. Most Member States respect these core principles but I am ready to take any measure necessary to ensure that they are reflected in all Member States' tax rules."


Last update: 24/04/2013 |  Top