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Fiscalité et Union douanière

Tackling double non-taxation for fairer and more robust tax systems English (en)


Double non-taxation deprives Member States of significant revenues and creates unfair competition between businesses in the Single Market. It occurs when cross-border companies escape paying taxes due to mismatches between national tax systems. Aggressive tax planners often focus on exploiting loopholes between Member States' systems specifically to avoid taxes.
As a first step in combating this problem, the Commission has today launched a public consultation on the double non-taxation of cross-border companies. Algirdas Šemeta, Commissioner for Taxation, Customs, Anti-fraud and Audit, said:
"Fairness must be at the heart of our tax policies. Double non-taxation undermines fair burden sharing in taxation and allows an unjust competitive advantage to companies that seek to exploit it.  Tackling double non-taxation will not only deliver important revenues to Member States, but it will also ensure a stronger, fairer Single Market for all EU businesses."

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Commissioner Šemeta is visiting Cyprus today English (en)


24/02/2012, Brussels. Algirdas Šemeta, EU Commissioner for Taxation and Customs Union, Audit and Anti-fraud  will visit Cyprus on Friday. He will meet the authorities that will be in charge of EU Presidency as of 1 July. This includes bilateral meetings with Minister of Labour and Social Insurance Sotriroula Charalambous and General Auditor of Cyprus Chrystalla Georghadji. He will also meet representatives of the Cypriot banking and financial services sector.

Commissioner Šemeta said: "The aim of my visit is to discuss tax files that are key to strengthening the single market, enhancing growth and helping fiscal consolidation. More cooperation, coordination and harmonisation are necessary to lift tax obstacles so that our citizens and businesses can reap the benefits of the single market in Europe. I look forward to closely working together with the Cypriot Presidency to make further progress in the field of taxation."

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Commissioner Šemeta speaks in the City of London on benefits of EU tax coordination for financial sector English (en) lietuvių kalba (lt)


17/02/2012, London. "Coordinated tax policies within the EU mean better quality revenues for Member States, a more attractive environment for business and a more acceptable tax system for citizens. As Member States look for new resources, it is my duty to ensure that taxation helps, rather than hinders, our collective return to growth and prosperity," said Algirdas Šemeta, EU Commissioner for Taxation today.


Speaking at a stakeholders event in the City of London, organised by the Lithuanian City of London Club, Commissioner Semeta outlined recent tax policy initiatives of particular importance for the financial sector: CCCTB, the agreement with USA on FATCA, and the Financial Transactions Tax.

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Commissioner Šemeta: "We want the UK on board for the FTT" English (en)


In the discussion on Financial Transaction Tax (FTT) in the UK House of Lords Commissioner Šemeta said: "It is in the overall European interest to have strong financial centers – in London as well as in Paris and Frankfurt. We want the UK on board, actively engaged in the discussions on the design, fine-tuning and implementation of the Financial Transaction Tax. "

En savoir plus… English (en)

Commission welcomes US move to ensure enhanced international tax cooperation in a more business-friendly way English (en) lietuvių kalba (lt)


The Commission welcomes the USA's acceptance of an government-to-government approach to tackling tax evaders and implementing the US Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA).

This more business-friendly arrangement for EU financial institutions is the result of intense discussions with the USA, following a letter sent by the Commission and EU Presidency to the US tax authorities in April 2011 (see IP/11/413 ).

Algirdas Šemeta, EU Commissioner for Taxation said: "The EU and USA share a strong objective: to tackle trans-border tax evasion and ensure national treasuries can collect what they are due. I am confident that this new development will pave the way to achieve this in a business friendly manner." 

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Tax Coordination: TPG discusses FATCA, VAT and national tax reforms English (en)


Improving and accelerating tax coordination in key areas that can contribute to economic stability and growth is the focus of today's meeting of the Tax Policy Group (TPG) in Brussels.

Algirdas Šemeta, Commissioner for Taxation, Customs, Anti-Fraud and Audit, is chairing the TPG, which brings together high level representatives of EU Finance Ministers.

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Lutte antifraude

Un million de cigarettes de contrebande saisies dans le cadre d'une opération douanière


Environ 1,2 million de cigarettes ont été saisies dans le cadre de la première opération douanière conjointe ciblant la circulation ferroviaire le long de la frontière orientale de l'UE. Vingt-quatre États membres de l'UE, la Croatie, la Turquie, la Norvège et la Suisse ont participé à cette opération, qui était organisée par le service des douanes polonais en étroite coopération avec l'Office européen de lutte antifraude (OLAF). L'opération s'est déroulée du 18 au 27 octobre 2011. Les résultats finaux ont été rendus publics aujourd'hui auprès du service des douanes polonais, à Sopot. Ils n'ont pu être divulgués qu'aujourd'hui afin de ne pas compromettre d'autres enquêtes que devaient mener les différentes autorités douanières.

«Les contrôles douaniers à la frontière de l'UE sont essentiels pour protéger l'argent de nos contribuables et les entreprises qui opèrent dans la légalité. La Commission et les autorités douanières des États membres et des pays voisins doivent travailler main dans la main pour lutter contre la contrebande et toutes sortes de fraudes douanières. Je me félicite du succès de cette opération et j'encourage fortement la multiplication de ces actions conjointes à l'avenir», a déclaré Algirdas Šemeta, membre de la Commission chargé de la fiscalité, de l'union douanière et de la lutte antifraude.

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ES lėšos – Lietuvos muitinės mobiliajai rentgeno sistemai lietuvių kalba (lt)


Lietuvos muitinė įsigijo naują mobiliąją rentgeno įrangą, kurią iš dalies finansavo Europos kovos su sukčiavimu tarnyba. Pagal programą Hercule Lietuvai buvo skirta pusė įrangai įsigyti reikalingos sumos – 1 milijonas eurų. Tai viena iš Europos Komisijos priemonių pagal kovos su cigarečių ir alkoholio kontrabanda per Rytų sieną veiksmų planą.

Už kovą su sukčiavimu atsakingas Europos Komisijos narys Algirdas Šemeta sakė: „Tai Europos investicija į Lietuvos vartotojų ir verslininkų apsaugą. Šalyje cigarečių kontrabandos per Rytų sieną rizika yra gana didelė. Šis reiškinys žalingas visiems: apvagiamas sąžiningai mokesčius mokantis verslas, keliama grėsmė sveikatai, dėl nesurenkamų mokesčių trūksta lėšų sveikatos ir socialinei apsaugai, švietimui. Teikdama finansavimą pagal specialias programas, ES padeda muitinėms apsirūpinti veiksmingos kovos su kontrabanda priemonėmis."

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