This site has been archived on 2014/11/07

Statement of Commissioner Barnier on the outcome of the extraordinary Competitiveness Council on the issue of the European patent

Statement of Commissioner Barnier on the outcome of the extraordinary Competitiveness Council on the issue of the European patent

Today's discussions show once again, unfortunately, that a compromise at 27 seems impossible to reach.

We must all acknowledge this!

I would like to underline that the failure of these discussions has serious consequences.

The absence of a European patent hinders our competitiveness, hinders European innovation, research and development. In the midst of the economic crisis, it is not the right signal.

On the contrary, we must put all the assets on our side to re-launch growth, to support our businesses and thus create new jobs.

The current system for the patent is too expensive, it costs 10 times more than the United-States. It impedes growth. And it is small and medium sized businesses - genuine sources of dynamism for the future - which are suffering most from it.

On next steps, the status quo is not a long-term solution. The Commission confirmed this evening that it will move forward with the Presidency, in a constructive spirit, within the framework of the Treaties.

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