This site has been archived on 2014/11/07

M. Barnier on the euro area summit: “we’re getting Europe back on track”


Commissioner Barnier has given interviews to several television and radio stations following the meeting of the Heads of State and Government of the Euro area.

In these interviews he said:

“We are getting Europe back on track (…) We must go from an environment of instability to one of strong fiscal solidity (…) If we are to get back on track Europe must also become an area of strong growth once more (…) We must envisage a more federal Europe in the area of economic governance”.

Commissioner Barnier said the summit had resulted in a “good agreement” on how to get Europe out of the current crisis, even if the subsequent follow-up phase will be crucial. He also underlined the positive impact of the summit on financial markets, whilst adding that it is important to be wary of the “euphoria” or “scaremongering” that can be found in the markets.

For more information regarding the official reaction of the European Commission following the euro area summit, see the website of President Barroso.
