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    Web chat with Commissioner László Andor – Working in another EU country: How the EU ensures the protection of your social rights Choisir les traductions du lien précédent 


    Commissioner Andor participated in a web chat this Monday 30th September on "Working in another EU country: How the EU ensures the protection of your social rights". The recording of the chat can be consulted online on the Single Market Month's website.

    En savoir plus… Choisir les traductions du lien précédent 

    Developing the social dimension of a deep and genuine Economic and Monetary Union, by László Andor Choisir les traductions du lien précédent 


    The double-dip recession in the euro area, the on-going sovereign debt crisis and the intensifying social emergency in many of the euro zone's 'peripheral' countries have put under the political spotlight systemic flaws in the design of Europe's Economic and Monetary Union (EMU).

    En savoir plus… Choisir les traductions du lien précédent